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Avg Time To Get Customers


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So I’ve been reading through the posts- all greatly beneficial- and I’m unsure if I’ve done everything “correctly.” If I have: When is the average time to get your first customer once you’ve posted a gig? (I understand this heavily depends on the service as well.)

I don’t want to go insane thinking when an order is coming or waiting “too long”. I’d like to know your different experiences regarding this.


Hello and welcome to Fiverr! I’ve been here 5 weeks without any sales, so I’m following everything iv read here by updating and promoting my gig as best as I can. I hope you receive sales much quicker. Good luck!


Because your sample images are all square, they do not display properly as thumbnails.

Please see (IMG) point 2:

Introduction– This is not a list on how to make gigs. This is for gigs that are already made that are under-performing, need an overhaul, or just need somewhere to start for self-evaluation/education. It does contain a few general-information bits, and can help during gig creation, but that is neither the focus nor the intent. For more information on any of the following sections or points, please see ‘Other Resources’ under (RRD) at the end of this post. Sections: (TCT) Title, Category, and…

I’ve had an account for 6 weeks and have only made one sale…actually before I tried to make everything look more professional. At first, I wasn’t convinced about Fiverr in general so I left it on the backburner while I focused on Upwork, but then I came back and updated my descriptions to better use keywords, add a video, and make new thumbnails. I’m getting more traffic but haven’t seen any conversions yet…


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