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Not Getting any order on fiverr from last 2 months?

Guest graphicproo

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Guest graphicproo

Hi, I hope everyone is fine. I have got 11 orders on Fiverr but now it’s 2 months ago I have not any order. I also bid daily the impressions and views are going up and it’s green also but can’t have any order. I’m worried about it. Can anyone help me or suggest something …?
Thanks in advance.


Its same happing also with me . I don’t know why I m not getting order now last 2 month . may be it happen due to corena virus ? Because our lots if buyers from america us so it may be . but j need suggestion


Its same happing also with me . I don’t know why I m not getting order now last 2 month . may be it happen due to corena virus ? Because our lots if buyers from america us so it may be . but j need suggestion

Maybe this can help?

What can you do when your sales have suddenly plummeted? For many people the solution is simple - come on to the forum and complain about something else which “must” have caused this. It is probable that an outside force has caused you to not get as many sales. What is also probable is that you have no control over this “outside force”. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good rant or moan every now and then as much as the next guy but I never expect my moan or rant to actually change anything. When …


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