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HOW should I provide updates to a client? Worried about not getting paid?


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If I am creating a logo for a client – should I be sending updated samples that I’m working on for them through the private chat or should I click the ‘Delivery Gig’ option instead – and attach the drafts there? I guess what I’m worried about is if I send them the samples I’m working on through private chat on Fiverr – can they then just simply take those and not pay for the Gig?? (To be clear – this is when they already ordered a gig from me)


I don’t know your business or product, but…

  • What does your gig description say?
  • What did you promise?
  • Do you say you will send Buyer constant updates?
  • For a Fiverr, is it necessary to send updates?
  • Why not send the final product and offer a revision based on Buyer reaction?


What I do is send a watermarked medium quality image through the order page messaging as a draft for them to review and ask for changes.

I usually don’t “deliver” the high quality non-watermarked image until they say the work is approved.

I’m impressed that you joined Fiverr 12 days ago, created your logo gig 2 days ago and have 17 orders in the queue and no rated orders. Wow!, how did you do that?


I concur with @betterbiztools I send watermarked samples to clients all the time, with a note attached “the watermark goes on all my samples” and “the watermark will not be in the final, high quality, finished piece”. This way it covers my tush AND it communicates clearly to them this is a common thing.

I do a lot of header banners, and ad banners, so this is even more important, as a prior version could be used and I’d get stiffed the money for them.

I would use your logo or the © 2014 (your name here) (not your handle your legal name). If you add a url you are risking violating Fiverr’s policies.

Then you make the logo (or whatever) 10 or 20% transparent. If its a LARGE sized file, duplicate it over and over… No biggie. Here’s and example…>

My graphic logo is over the entire thing, and duplicated to cover it all. It’s hard to see but the final version is a much better quality and looks less “icky/dirty”


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