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NEVER Trust the flag


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well, I am from Indonesia, I know how some Indonesians are using us flag just to get their clients. The problem , if they do great, nobody will see it negatively, but mostly they mess the job the took.

it is being concerned for honest my country mates.

I think, Admin should apply dynamic ip check up for every people who log in to fiverr.com and shows the last IP’s and implements auto ban if the IP check result with changing country. Give them chance to appeal through sending verification code like what Gmail does.

Die Scammers Die!

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Depends upon the gig, but, a dead giveaway for me is just reading the bio - that usually sums up if the seller is English. If you need to give someone access to your site, I suggest creating a backup and a separate login for the seller.


Reply to @sayariza2: That would work pretty well. It seems as though fiverr only care about the IP that’s used during sign-up, not the one that will be used after this phase. It’s really simple to use a proxy/VPN during sign-up to get a UK/US flag on your profile.


It is not only a matter of “trust” the reason why for some tasks, you might prefer to work with a vendor who “is in the USA” but also, I get a “cross-border fee” taken from my Visa/Mastercard each time I make payment to a person who is not based in the USA.

Plus, I am shown supposed “results” of the work that has been done but there is often no concrete evidence that the work done made any difference !

Another concern is, these people are often not only masquerading as being based in the USA, they are also posting false information/head-shots so you have no idea whatsoever who you are dealing with. Surely Fiverr needs better, more effective validation method(s) ???


Why is this matter so much? I mean, I can always use a proxy and place myself wherever I want, but why I should do it? I’m not ashamed of my nationality. I think, that my english is good enough to offer quality services… And you will be surprised that most of the Eastern European people, like me, can offer services, which are way better then a lot of those that are offered by americans and so on. It is not about where are you from, but how you do your job…


I guess it’s not the right place for my problem, but I just discovered that on my profile is written that I am from Kiribati, while in fact I am from Switzerland. I created my Account from a Computer located in Switzerland as well. How do I change this and what’s wrong with this website??


All I can say is that I find this Fiverr website the worst to navigate. I wasted so much time even trying to purchase a gig. For new buyers, there is no support. Nothing I can do on this site to get help from any of those staff that are in the home page photo. I did eventually get through and got one job done in Egypt. She did a fabulous job. Fiverr won’t let me pay the last 2 gigs! No one to tell me why. I have also paid for a few more projects and not seen any results from whatever they were supposed to do for me. But I guess that’s the problem of being 78 and a computer dummy!! Fiverr seem obsessed with whether one is trying to purchase outside Fiverr. I am not but eventually one gets so pissed off at no support available and getting no-where that one is forced to look at alternatives. At the bottom of this page is a directory but of course “support” is not there. Does anyone know how to get hold of a human being at Fiverr support? please tell me!


I’m from the US, but if I got a chance, I’d Tim Ferris to somewhere else. An American expat touring the world is no reason to distrust him. Trust issues. Technical issues. And Americans in other countries are 3 separate issues. The 1st is serious. The 2nd is fixable. The 3rd seem irrelevant.


Reply to @sayariza2: Their country portion of the website is kind of bugged up. I wouldn’t recommend this feature as it would ban more honest accounts than bad ones. Now if they fix the buggy country issue, I would be all for it. However, they have to fix the issue first before something like this should be implemented.


Reply to @marketman: Unfortunately, most sellers buy on impulse. A lot of times I have people buy my gig based on my gig’s title, then get frustrated later as they assumed what the gig was from the gig title. Keep in mind also that 90% of the orders on Fiverr come from search engines. They end up on gigs that implement black-hat methods to boost their visibility via search engines tremendously. That’s why some gigs get 100+ orders in queue at any given time for what is considered as a junk service. In other words, most people don’t bother reading the profiles or actual descriptions of gigs, they just order. After-all, it’s just “$5” to them, but thousands for those that are shady and deceptive.


It’s honestly something that needs to be dealt with, but beforehand they need to fix the buggy location system to begin with. Some people are manipulating it of course, but I see far too many forum threads in regards to glitchy country issues so before any further security measures may be implemented in regards to it, they need to fix the system first. This in combination with black-hat SEO to inflate their order counts is just terrible. Oh the greed of people.


Well, I hate to say it, but now I am starting to kinda avoid sellers with bad communication skills or English skills, just a personal preferences. Get this, I ordered a gig from somebody that was living in the middle east, which by the way I love. He responded to me with the following message: do you want whiteboard presentation or what!!!

I also feel like that when I order a gig from the far east or Africa, one day they speak really good English and then the next day, like, what?? who is this person that can’t even put one sentence together.

Anyhow, ranting over, and out!


Reply to @traxie2001: Yeah that’s true. When it comes to writing, even someone from Britain would write in a different style than an American, even though it’s basically the same language. But in many other area’s I agree it shouldn’t matter. Personally I don’t care much about the location, but I only order from people who have already done gigs, and who’s sample images match the style of their 3 own submits. (I’ve seen a bit too many asian profiles with styles that just don’t match, or look to be complete rip-off’s from other artists just to get orders)


Thats interesting… how we can’t change flags like that, it seems to be an important factor for buyers and sellers, being from Los Angeles, CA I wouldn’t have a problem with my flag being in the U.S.A. since I am. The only thing I thought to myself about the flag is “damn, now the IRS knows i’m on their land and they will TAX my butt” oh well, I pay taxes either way to stay out of trouble, paypal is also butt buddies with the IRS.


This whole conversation assumes that people don’t relocate to other countries, which is one of the many blessings of being a freelancer. I’m now relocating overseas, so, what are you saying? I should change my flag to show I’m in Australia? I’ll be screwed if someone asks me to write in “Aussie” slang. Like a dude the other day before even hiring me or asking me checked on my location and said Oh you’re Chinese because your IP is from China, you’re not American. Honestly, man? Look at my photo. Check out my grammar. Go to my effing LinkedIn. The flag has nothing to do with it. If buyers fail to ask for proper samples of previous work, the fault lies on both sides. Nobody put a gun to your head to hire anybody.

And this? "My experience has been that I’ve chosen a seller from the US or the UK because to be honest, no, I do not trust many sellers from 3rd world countries when it comes to giving them access to my websites. You NEVER know if that person is going to insert some hidden piece of code to collect all your user data including credit cards and/or personal information. That doesn’t mean I don’t trust ‘all’ of them as I use a lot of them for services but only those with the highest of ratings."

You’re downright racist. As if in the UK there weren’t any scams or if in the US there weren’t more people in jail than in universities. What a xenophobe.


Hi, Yes there are possibilities that when he registered on to fiverr, the person would have been in US & then moved on to Indonesia! Anyways, place the order to those who respond to u quickly & confidently. Have a conversation before placing the order! Thx!


Confirms suspicions I had about this; as I’m a new Buyer. I don’t understand why Sellers - or anyone for that matter generally - cannot simply be up-front and honestly disclose information; be it in response to questions you’ve asked them PRIOR to placing an order, or their location of origin, regardless of what that location is. Good point.


I’m a Brit, joined while in the UK and I live in Malaysia - which flag should I use, given the choice? If i have a Union Jack and someone checks then they think I’ve lied - if I have a Malaysia flag then they think I’m Malaysian.

Flags don’t mean anything - as others say, read the description.

I wouldn’t hesitate to use someone from Asia, or any other country!

A dollar is a dollar and if someone is making the effort to earn it fairly then good for them. You can get rubbish from any country in the world and any nationality.


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