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NEVER Trust the flag


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Guest smartwebcontent

Reply to @dougm1966: Hi Doug. I completely understand where you’re coming from as I was a buyer up until recently.

My only advice would be to only order from a seller if everything seems right. For instance, is the gig content well written? Communicate with the seller prior to ordering a gig and see exactly how he/she responds. If you think something is not right, don’t order the gig from them.

Hope that helps!

Warm regards,


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I completely disagree with anyone who looks at the flag to order, The order should be based on talent not on what country the seller belongs to. You never know what a person is capable of till you strike a conversation with them. Best Way as everyone has suggested is to use the CONTACT ME button, thats what it is supposed to be used for.

when buying, the seller should be identified on the portfolio, and the reviews/testimonials they have, as these are the words coming out from someone else’s mouth and not the seller. Thats the best way to judge.

I am from Pakistan. No doubt my account was setup in United Kingdom, but i requested fiverr support to change it to my current location. And i think when doing business, honesty and being fair is what matters!



There are some services where the seller’s country does matter. For instance, I rewrite resumes in the American style and that’s what my customers expect to receive. My flag helps contribute to my credentials.

But, I agree that a seller’s country is not indicative of his/her abilities.

Guest natashaemoore


My flag says I am from Panama, but I am in Nicaragua, and am American. Not sure what that is about but I am unable to change it. Oh well. If people don’t want to buy my gig for that reason, plenty of others will.

dougm1966 said: My experience has been that I've chosen a seller from the US or the UK because to be honest, no, I do not trust many sellers from 3rd world countries when it comes to giving them access to my websites. You NEVER know if that person is going to insert some hidden piece of code to collect all your user data including credit cards and/or personal information. That doesn't mean I don't trust 'all' of them as I use a lot of them for services but only those with the highest of ratings.


This is called xenophobia and elitism.


There is no evidence that there is any less of a risk in giving up your credentials to someone on fiverr from one country to another.


I have such messed up flag too. I just want we cut out the borders for good. Here on internet, we just get the work done. Why bother about who is doing your work unless you are really into “content” which requires native speakers? I don’t mind who gets my work done as long as it meets my deadlines. My buyers feel the same. We are already divided with culture, language and countries, more such division looks pointless to me atleast while getting work done.

Guest krish_fetcher

Actually, country does not matter… genius is genius… no matter he is from or about the nation… All the problems will cause since people act as blind…We can not say USA or any country is the best…All the countries have gems as well as frauds… finally only matter is that we got the best service or not…Also, people should have respect about all the nations, that 's my point of view… cheers


The other problem with this thread is the assertion that someone “is being dishonest” …it’s not as if a seller requests a flag. Nor as if they’re verified. We’re just assigned them. It also like many of the more trivial aspects of fiverr seems to glitch up. I’ve seen threads where I show as from another country.

Guest graphic_shop

now users can’t do that this bad habit…now fiverr team are very intelligent…


Reply to @anarchofighter: Exactly.

@dougm1966: It would be funny if you ever got hit by someone from the U.S. because ironically, “the highest rate of cybercrime was found to be in the United States,” according to a report. 😉 23% share of all malicious computer activity in the world, comes from United States!

Anyway, good luck with your future sellers. Maybe you were asking for something that was worth much more than the $5 you were paying, and the seller offering the service was just not capable of doing something that complicated. 🙂


What is someone made their account while traveling or is traveling when you checked their IP. I would be offended if someone would imply that the fact my flag and IP don’t match make me dishonest.

We all have our reservations but please there are honest people too ALL over the World.


Reply to @dougm1966: Thank you, we’re not alone. I used Fiverr when it was a brand new website. I never had a problem. It was new and exciting. I was 99% i guess, buyer. This week i tried Fiverr again. I purchased 2 gigs, same seller. It’s one of the worst experiences i’ve had not only on Fiverr, but maybe the whole internet in 12-13 years! sounds like we had the same seller. after explicit directions, several times, he kept saying to ask him to do what i wanted. strange. he was foreign. i never expected to see a “rejected” button on my 2 orders today! just glad i got to share this. i was shocked but i guess not surprised. i might try again with a different seller, but i doubt it.


That’s true, the regional settings on the computer could affect which flag appears. I agree with those of you who have pointed out that it’s the quality of the work which matters, not the location of the seller. One of the strengths and charms of Fiverr is that it’s international, the diversity and choice is wonderful - as a seller, the breadth of people you can reach through the site makes up for the unrealistically low rates. The only time I look at the flag is if a buyer’s English is poor (and in most cases I’m sorry to say they are from the US), or simply out of interest to see where they come from (I’m hoping to cover the world map on my analytics page, and it’s fun to see a new country get shaded in!). It’s swings and roundabouts, if you want a job done by someone in your own country then there are plenty of ways you can find offers online or in your local newspaper, which would reduce the risk of shady internet scammers. Of course, if you’re looking for a pro web designer who will work for $4 an hour then you may struggle… I understand your wariness, but if you check the seller’s ratings and feedback then you have a pretty good idea of their validity.


Reply to @ankitsureka: That’s good to hear! You’d be surprised who you can find on Fiverr though - I’m a qualified professional illustrator from the UK, and my partner is a signed recording artist, we’re both on the site for several reasons - firstly, because access to so many international clients means that we’ve had some really interesting commissions on here, great for building up a portfolio in a specific field (in my case I’m trying to move from book illustration into game concept art), and also because with the economy as it is there just isn’t much work around locally in the creative sector, so I prefer to work more hours for less pay, doing the work I’m passionate about, than to take a second job as a cleaner or waitress to supplement my income. I’ve had several buyers who initially doubted my credentials because they didn’t think I’d be working for a fiver if I was genuine - it was a little frustrating but, as with any seller on here, you just have to let your work speak for itself! 🙂


Reply to @kjblynx:

Totally agree. It is wise idea to contact seller to make sure that we are going to spend our money for the right seller and service. It is fair to ask some samples, or, perhaps do a tad test about their English. I’ve seen thousands sellers claim to be the real and professional English writer but have sort of fishy gig’s description.

At least contact them first and ask as many questions as we want until we are convinced to buy their service.

Guest iqlima22

Beware of “ranked no 2” seller FRAGGLESROCK

Seller does not communicate till gig was cancelled, which refused and replied to further wait.

After days of waiting and cancellation request was refused by seller and sadly there is no time limit or monitoring of behavior from fiverr admin (If gigs took longer than usual or each delivery followed by thumbs down and a cancellation request, fiverr needs to investigate) I was named called by seller in my inbox and ordered gig (in my case was FACEBOOK) WAS HACKED AND all personal details was exposed online followed by SPAM !!!

Till end what pissed me off was , I don’t even bothered to be refunded , told the seller your gig failed and keep the change. 5 bucks is yours. I gave a thumbs down. That’s it.

FRAGGLESROCK decided to hacked facebook account and stupid enough to leave a trail.

Since none respond and abused still ongoing online there is only one method of resolution. Reported to authorities and never again ADIOS FIVERR…

to all buyers don’t trust the ranking or flag… its a hoax!


Sheriff’s Note: It is not cool (or allowed) to call out others on the Forum.

Guest foxella

I think many people here are missing the point. This is about trust, it’s not about avoiding people from other countries. A person who claims to be from the US, but are actually from some place like Kenya, seems very suspect to me. It’s not because they are from a certain place that makes me suspicious, it’s the fact that they LIED about where they are from. That brings their whole character into consideration when someone does something like that.

I basically look at the gig description if I’m going to buy a service here on Fiverr. If the language of the gig feels forced, or sentences are choppy and broken, then I normally don’t buy from these sellers.

If you’re trying to sell someone a product, honesty is one of the main things people take into consideration. Saying they are from one place when they are really from another makes me question just how honest that person is.

Guest foxella

Someone who knows what they are doing can easily hide their true location and make it look like they are from somewhere else.


I tend to pay attention to the gig description before I order than the flag.

If I see a writer saying something to the effect of, “I will write an content for you website,” I won’t hire them, because they’re obviously not writing using US or UK English.

  • 2 weeks later...

i’m showing that i’m from the USA, but i checked everywhere… was unable to change it.

i just left it and stated it clearly on my profile… but I don’t see why would anyone care where i was from if i deliver good service!!


Pleae understand that fiverr makes mistakes when ditecting!

The Creative Guys - We’re situated in Canada yet when we signed up the US flag appeared.

Did they auto-detect my pc?

So now I need to tell each client that I’m from Canada, but as per Third world contries Canada has the same ‘feel’ as the US so to call it a lie if someone has done it on purpose… I don’t know.

🙂 Joe


He may be connecting through VPN. I’ve seen more than one seller who does this to mislead buyers, for instance there are a couple of advertising seller profiles I’m aware of but won’t link, who claim to deliver in the US but it’s obvious they are operating from somewhere in Southeast Asia. Just petition it with customer support, because otherwise they don’t care and won’t do anything - they start to examine shady profiles when the buyers complain, but not before.


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