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Have you ever gotten paid to do nothing on 5r?


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Just mindless chit chat here. Has anyone here gotten paid to do absolutely nothing? 😁

Long time ago, when the transaction fee for buyers were only $0.50 - $1.00, I just bought a gig because the seller had a really nice profile and gig page.

I guess you can say I gave him/her a free “gratuity” to do nothing. I know it sounds weird but hey, I’m sure stranger things have happened on this platform.

The seller was rather suspicious of me. I guess he was expecting me to ask for a favor, cancel, do a chargeback or any other crazy things that happens. :rofl:

I did none of that. I bought, had him deliver a thank you note, closed the order, left a good review about how wonderful his gigs were and went my Merry way.

I know I totally confused the heck out of that particular seller! :grin::rofl::grin::rofl::grin::rofl::grin:

So, what’s the nicest, weird thing that has happened to you?

Let’s try to keep this thread to positive, funny things. There are enough negative threads you can jump on for bad experiences.

❤️, G.

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Once I got an order from a buyer. I made the delivery, he accepted and left nice feedback. Weeks later I got another order from the same buyer, in the requirements section he wrote something like “I don’t have a requirement, make a delivery with something you like.” I delivered a thank you card. Yes, strange things happen.

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On Christmas Eve, 🎄

The buyer said they did not want any text to be proofread.

However, they did want me to buy my grandkids :woman:t3: I sent the buyer a picture of a mug of hot cocoa, and I did treat my grandchildren to hot chocolate with Christmas marshmallows in it.

@vickiespencer What a sweetheart that buyer was. People like that restore my faith in humanity.

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You might be describing any reseller here. But I doubt they will leave a comment here. Seeming as they’re Ninjas

You might be describing any reseller here.

I’m afraid I have to disagree that resellers get paid to do nothing.


  1. Handle the promotion of their service
  2. Take the orders
  3. Make sure their buyers are happy
  4. Risk their reputation through poor reviews if the buyer is not happy
  5. Find reputable sellers to provide the services they want to resell
  6. Make sure those sellers deliver quality work on time
  7. Improve the product they bought through their skills or hiring another seller to do so
  8. Then provide the product to the buyer.

My father was a farmer. :man_farmer:t2: If it were not for the buyers who purchased his grain and resold it to the food industry, he would not have been able to make a living.

And so it goes for many of us on Fiverr who work for resellers. I am happy to work for them if they are happy to pay me the price I ask.

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Just mindless chit chat here. Has anyone here gotten paid to do absolutely nothing? 😁

Long time ago, when the transaction fee for buyers were only $0.50 - $1.00, I just bought a gig because the seller had a really nice profile and gig page.

I guess you can say I gave him/her a free “gratuity” to do nothing. I know it sounds weird but hey, I’m sure stranger things have happened on this platform.

The seller was rather suspicious of me. I guess he was expecting me to ask for a favor, cancel, do a chargeback or any other crazy things that happens. :rofl:

I did none of that. I bought, had him deliver a thank you note, closed the order, left a good review about how wonderful his gigs were and went my Merry way.

I know I totally confused the heck out of that particular seller! :grin::rofl::grin::rofl::grin::rofl::grin:

So, what’s the nicest, weird thing that has happened to you?

Let’s try to keep this thread to positive, funny things. There are enough negative threads you can jump on for bad experiences.

❤️, G.

Long time ago, when the transaction fee for buyers were only $0.50 - $1.00, I just bought a gig because the seller had a really nice profile and gig page.

Gina, you cutie pie! You did that for me many years ago!

I wasn’t suspicious or anything because in those days we were both on the forum all the time and so I understood what you’re about (sorry I can’t seem to convey my ideas in text today. . . what I mean is that because of the forum, then when you tipped, my intuition about you was that you were just a thoughtful and generous person).

But then . . . came that whole crazy thing with the seller’s levels + blind reviews. I can’t even remember the details anymore. I just remember everyone being confused or angry or [insert every face emoji here].

Well, cuz of that my levels dropped, and suddenly as a new level 1 seller, I was no longer allowed to have 15 gigs up. So I deleted some of them, including the tip jar gig. Oops–because I could have just paused them. But I didn’t know.

Anyway your review in my old tip jar gig is gone I guess.

And I always used to take screenshots of everything, incl. reviews. But then my house burned down some months ago, so everything on my old harddrive is gonzo.

But the memory is something that can’t catch on fire, so yay!

And thank you, love. 😊

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Long time ago, when the transaction fee for buyers were only $0.50 - $1.00, I just bought a gig because the seller had a really nice profile and gig page.

Gina, you cutie pie! You did that for me many years ago!

I wasn’t suspicious or anything because in those days we were both on the forum all the time and so I understood what you’re about (sorry I can’t seem to convey my ideas in text today. . . what I mean is that because of the forum, then when you tipped, my intuition about you was that you were just a thoughtful and generous person).

But then . . . came that whole crazy thing with the seller’s levels + blind reviews. I can’t even remember the details anymore. I just remember everyone being confused or angry or [insert every face emoji here].

Well, cuz of that my levels dropped, and suddenly as a new level 1 seller, I was no longer allowed to have 15 gigs up. So I deleted some of them, including the tip jar gig. Oops–because I could have just paused them. But I didn’t know.

Anyway your review in my old tip jar gig is gone I guess.

And I always used to take screenshots of everything, incl. reviews. But then my house burned down some months ago, so everything on my old harddrive is gonzo.

But the memory is something that can’t catch on fire, so yay!

And thank you, love. 😊

Ooh - I just found the review in my order list on fiv.


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Once I got an order from a buyer. I made the delivery, he accepted and left nice feedback. Weeks later I got another order from the same buyer, in the requirements section he wrote something like “I don’t have a requirement, make a delivery with something you like.” I delivered a thank you card. Yes, strange things happen.

that’s so sweet ☺️

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