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Need feedback on my gigs


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I was wondering if anyone can help me. Not even sure if I’m in the right category for posting this. I just wanted to since feedback on my gigs and want to know if there is anything I can add or change to help get some sells. I have 1 posting that’s been up for couple week. Gets views but no buyers. I posted one today and just need some feedback. I know it can take some time and selling instagram followers and likes are very competitive. Thank you



Exchanging of monies for followers is a violation of Instagrams Terms Of Service, as well as Fiverr’s Third Parties (TOS) Terms. It my be “very competitive” but know these gigs are a violation and will get removed, and the users account will eventually get shut down as noted in Fiverr’s Terms Of Service.

Hope that helps!


Thank you for feedback. Sad part is I thought it was allowed on fiverr. I honestly never read all terms for fiverr. Just saw that everyone else had some posted thought it was ok…but thank you for letting me know. Going to read TOS now


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