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15 days no order. what I can do?


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Dear friend!
The main thing - do not despair and act!
You will succeed!
Check out these guidelines:
cropped-ROUND-e1525234478210-32x32.png.c165e7c04e963e7a62ca4d2737e61eb4.png Fiverr Tutorials – 27 Jun 18


[PROMOTION] How to promote fiverr gigs inside and outside fiverr?

How to promote fiverr gigs is a question of all the sellers. This article shares 13 tips and tricks to promote the gigs both inside and outside fiverr

Good luck!
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Last 7 Days

Impression 446

View 63

Clicks 56

Number of offers sent to buyer requests 435

I have no orders in 12 weeks.


Check out these guidelines:

cropped-ROUND-e1525234478210-32x32.png.95ec6aa3e1fc272a5b8cffbd338b8ad6.png Fiverr Tutorials – 27 Jun 18


[PROMOTION] How to promote fiverr gigs inside and outside fiverr?

How to promote fiverr gigs is a question of all the sellers. This article shares 13 tips and tricks to promote the gigs both inside and outside fiverr

Good luck!

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Dear friend!

The main thing - do not despair and act!

You will succeed!

Check out these guidelines:

4ab81720864740c091183de728d38df51149e442.pngFiverr Tutorials – 27 Jun 18


[PROMOTION] How to promote fiverr gigs inside and outside fiverr?

How to promote fiverr gigs is a question of all the sellers. This article shares 13 tips and tricks to promote the gigs both inside and outside fiverr

Good luck!

Thank you so much for sharing article.

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Hello i hope this will help you

Hello Fiverr community! My name is Maria and i am a photographer and photo editor/ graphic designer. I would like to share with you some tips for super gigs that i have noticed they worked for me and also other sellers. Check them out and dont hesitate to add some of your tips down below! So my tips are: Make a little research about the hastags you should use. Find a smart, nice, clear, small title for your gig. Keep it simple! Evaluate your work objectively. Dont overprice but also don…

Good luck to you
Maria S.

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