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Are you going to turn on Out of Office Mode for the holidays?


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For those of you celebrating holidays next week, will y’all be turning on Out of Office Mode or just praying no one orders on Christmas?

I’ve been debating it since I don’t want my sales to plummet in January but also don’t want people trying to place orders (especially the ones who don’t contact me first) around Christmas since it’s a holiday.

How are you going about it, and what’s your rationale?

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Guest moonglademarket

I will be staying open, mostly because I’m a new seller, and Christmas isn’t a huge holiday for my fam.

Hope you have a lovely holiday 🙂

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I will and had switched OOO on over the actual holidays, I want to be on my phone and laptop as little as possible.

2019, January was the 3rd worst month, while January 2018 was the 2nd best month of the respective year, and January 2017 (my first January on Fiverr) was an average month. :woman_shrugging:

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Guest cubittaudio

It’s definitely an ‘each to their own’ situation, and I can see both sides of the argument. We will (we have, in fact). We’re now out until the 2nd Jan, with the exception of clearing up 2 rounds of video-related revisions over the weekend.

We were bracing ourselves for December being awful, but it’s been a huge month for us. In theory, if we weren’t going out of office, and if the 11 days remaining of December had continued in the same vein as the first 19 days, it would have been our biggest ever month by a long-shot, for which we’re super grateful. We’re now taking the time off to focus on family and rest, in the hopes that we’ll come back ready for the new year. We’ve got big growth plans for next year, and I think sometimes you need to allow yourself some time to take a step back before you commit to pushing things forward.

We’ve no idea whether January will be good/bad/average, but in freelance, time off can be a rare thing. We typically only take time off if we’re going away on holiday together, and that only happens about once a year, so we try to treat Christmas like a mini break. We visit our respective families together, catch up with friends etc. The next two weeks are about us as people rather than us as freelancers.

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My birthday is Dec 15th so I always take 7-10 days off around that time.

Orthodox Christian Christmas is on January 7th so December 25th is not really a holiday to me and I usually work during that time. But I haven’t noticed orders slowing down during the last weeks of December. It’s like fiverr switches something up in the way my gig is displayed and I start to get orders from countries that don’t celebrate winter holidays that much.

I do believe that taking a week off during a holiday season is a good thing. It’s a great cure against the burnout and it helps to get into holiday spirits. A bit of fun, a bit of hope and a bit of rest is good for you. 🙂

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No, this is actually the busiest time of year for me.

In addition to my normal activity, holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and Easter are all busy for me with the six weeks before Christmas Eve being my peak selling time of the year.

Any vacation time is done during the Summer months of June and July when sales are slowest. Summer days are a great time for vacationing back in my home state of Michigan and learning/upgrading my skills. 🙂

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My birthday is Dec 15th so I always take 7-10 days off around that time.

Orthodox Christian Christmas is on January 7th so December 25th is not really a holiday to me and I usually work during that time. But I haven’t noticed orders slowing down during the last weeks of December. It’s like fiverr switches something up in the way my gig is displayed and I start to get orders from countries that don’t celebrate winter holidays that much.

I do believe that taking a week off during a holiday season is a good thing. It’s a great cure against the burnout and it helps to get into holiday spirits. A bit of fun, a bit of hope and a bit of rest is good for you. 🙂

Orthodox Christian Christmas is on January 7th so December 25th is not really a holiday to me and I usually work during that time.

Same here, so I turn OOO mode on before the New year, and turn it off after January 7th (it also depends on how many days off my husband gets, if his boss allows them all not to work between the New Year and Orthodox Christian Christmas, then I definitely won’t be working during that time, either).

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The number of gigs have been a bit on the lower side the past several months, so I think
I won’t be pausing my gigs. I can’t say for sure though, IF I get bombarded with huge files within the next few days, I might go OOO mode.

The last day at my office is on the 28th BTW,
I am soooooooo getting a massage after that!!! 😍

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Miss Crystal’s Coven will be in full spellcasting mode throughout the holidays.

Happy December 21st, Winter Solstice today.

🙂 I just decided to take today off (well, the remainder of today, it’s almost noon here) for Winter Solstice, without ooo mode though. My ‘limit orders in queue’ and 24-hour options are set up so that I’ll be able to do an order for that tomorrow, unless a buyer abuses the still not fixed “unlimited gig multiples” 😉

Happy Winter, or December, to anyone who doesn’t really have Winter now or ever! ❄️

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