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Fiverr does not block spammers?!


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Can fiverr close the fiverr accounts of the spammers?! A buyer named @writers_hr2 instead of hiring me for the job asked me for my inappropriate pictures on the mail! This is the worse fiver experience I hold. What does the fiverr staff do? They can even do anything with my mail address!

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Thay even sent me this.

Wow! What a bargain - YOU have to pay THEM. Nice scam they got going there.

I have had an uptick in spam myself. The last two must have been reported already by other sellers as they were “unable to be reached”. The other spam was some guy who wrote to me in 2015 - and wanted to talk to me on the phone about his “issues” which were adult (if you get my drift) in nature. Well, this ding dong writes to me 4 years later and I told him to refer to my “answer” to him in 2015. His next message was, “Ah, sorry.” LOL



Wow! What a bargain - YOU have to pay THEM. Nice scam they got going there.

I have had an uptick in spam myself. The last two must have been reported already by other sellers as they were “unable to be reached”. The other spam was some guy who wrote to me in 2015 - and wanted to talk to me on the phone about his “issues” which were adult (if you get my drift) in nature. Well, this ding dong writes to me 4 years later and I told him to refer to my “answer” to him in 2015. His next message was, “Ah, sorry.” LOL


So he must have been at this for the past four years, trying to get women to talk to him about his issues. That makes me sad too, the horror of that, year after year, never stopping. Even after four years coming around to messaging the same women. It’s mind boggling, the things that go on.


But @misscrystal, why fiverr doesn’t take any action towards such scams? Is it that buyers are superior than sellers? And anybody, just anybody can be trapped by the buyer?

They make new accounts continually so there is no way to stop them.

Any place on the internet where strangers can message you freely is open to this kind of abuse. I hope that fiverr never stops being the free, open marketplace it is just due to these losers.


So he must have been at this for the past four years, trying to get women to talk to him about his issues. That makes me sad too, the horror of that, year after year, never stopping. Even after four years coming around to messaging the same women. It’s mind boggling, the things that go on.

I am not shocked by anything adult in nature that some random guy wants to write to me about - but, this dimwit couldn’t even READ the message chain before writing to me again asking for the SAME thing? Although, this time, it got a bit more bizarre - and had to do with the so called girlfriend’s mother. I think he has been watching too much modern adult film lately. I am sure he will go down his list and bug the next person. I don’t dare block him either, as every freaking time I block someone even AFTER replying, it messes with my response rate and I have to contact Ryan at support to fix it. They have fixed it every time it happens, but, it seems it takes my 100% response rate way down to 83%! I think it is a bug or something.



But @misscrystal, why fiverr doesn’t take any action towards such scams? Is it that buyers are superior than sellers? And anybody, just anybody can be trapped by the buyer?

But @misscrystal, why fiverr doesn’t take any action towards such scams?

What exactly do you want Fiverr to do?

Fiverr already allows all sellers to report and block spam. Shortly after sellers do, spam messages start getting automatically blocked. What do you want Fiverr to do beside this? Start sending CS agents through a time vortex to terminate spammers before they can send messages?

Guest pro_app

Hire some of fiverr’s crack fortune tellers to predict who the spammers will be and block them in advance? Is that what you want them to do?


Wouldn’t be bad if it works you know 😂


Hire some of fiverr’s crack fortune tellers to predict who the spammers will be and block them in advance? Is that what you want them to do?


So can fiverr do nothing against the spammers? Like seriously? This facility is a must.


So can fiverr do nothing against the spammers? Like seriously?

Can you think of a way?

Not yet, but I haven’t created fiverr, but their should be a way. And getting trapped in a spam is just a waste of time you know.


Not yet, but I haven’t created fiverr, but their should be a way. And getting trapped in a spam is just a waste of time you know.

You could send out spam right now if you wanted to. Nothing is stopping you, me or any of us.

Any one of the millions of people who use fiverr could send out spam right now. It’s just amazing there isn’t more.


You could send out spam right now if you wanted to. Nothing is stopping you, me or any of us.

Any one of the millions of people who use fiverr could send out spam right now. It’s just amazing there isn’t more.

Yeah I did that, But it doesn’t mean that spamming will stop.


I don’t find it too difficult to use the report button. It’s not really hard to do. Maybe I don’t get as much as newer members.

I mean if you can’t stand the spam maybe it’s not the right place for you. There are a lot bigger things to think about than that here. As problems go, that one seems like it’s nothing. Wait until you get some real problems.


So can fiverr do nothing against the spammers? Like seriously? This facility is a must.

Fiverr think we are “Kamla” (Bangladeshi local language).


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