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I'm Not Getting Much Impressions On My Profile


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Hello i think you will find this helpful

Hello Fiverr community! My name is Maria and i am a photographer and photo editor/ graphic designer. I would like to share with you some tips for super gigs that i have noticed they worked for me and also other sellers. Check them out and dont hesitate to add some of your tips down below! So my tips are: Make a little research about the hastags you should use. Find a smart, nice, clear, small title for your gig. Keep it simple! Evaluate your work objectively. Dont overprice but also don…

Good luck
Maria S.

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You might want to avoid capitalizing every word. The only place I see this on your profile is in your subtitle: “Fear Is Temporary But Success Is Permanent.” The words ‘is’ and ‘but’ should be all lower case.

Can I ask why you chose that quote? It sounds good, but it’s false.

Can you explain how it’s false?

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