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PDF attachment with your GIG


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I don’t think that having a PDF attachment will directly help with Gig ranking. However, if your PDF attachments are such that they’ll make someone checking out your gig buy it, and you’ll complete and deliver the order on time and to the buyer’s satisfaction, indirectly, it will help, yes.

Everyone wants their Gig on top though, and many people make real efforts for that, so better don’t expect one isolated thing, such as having a PDF attached to your Gig, catapult it to the top.

Use every bit of advantage you may have over other Gigs in your niche, though, especially if it’s a saturated niche, so do attach that PDF, as long as it would make people want to buy, of course, do make that PDF with the same attention to detail and all that you surely gave your primary Gig images, description, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don’t think that having a PDF attachment will directly help with Gig ranking. However, if your PDF attachments are such that they’ll make someone checking out your gig buy it, and you’ll complete and deliver the order on time and to the buyer’s satisfaction, indirectly, it will help, yes.

Everyone wants their Gig on top though, and many people make real efforts for that, so better don’t expect one isolated thing, such as having a PDF attached to your Gig, catapult it to the top.

Use every bit of advantage you may have over other Gigs in your niche, though, especially if it’s a saturated niche, so do attach that PDF, as long as it would make people want to buy, of course, do make that PDF with the same attention to detail and all that you surely gave your primary Gig images, description, etc.

Thank you, I will really helpful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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