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Change Fiverr Name and profile Picture?


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Can i Change Fiverr Account Name and profile Picture?

Can i Change Fiverr Account Name

No. The only way to change it would be to close your account and, with the permission from Customer Support, open a new one. Not worth the trouble unless your username is really awful and unprofessional (and yours isn’t).

profile Picture?

I’ve changed mine a few times without problems. Just keep in mind that you’re not allowed to use a picture of someone else.

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Can i Change Fiverr Account Name

No. The only way to change it would be to close your account and, with the permission from Customer Support, open a new one. Not worth the trouble unless your username is really awful and unprofessional (and yours isn’t).

profile Picture?

I’ve changed mine a few times without problems. Just keep in mind that you’re not allowed to use a picture of someone else.

thank you so much for help

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