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Fiverr refused my video and then took down my gig after 100+ ratings


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Hello Fiverr Community,

I’ve been on Fiverr actively selling my services for the past 2 years. I have never had a problem until the past two days. I uploaded a new video that was 1:28 in duration, waiting to be approved. I was refused and told my video was to not be made longer than 1 minute. Now if that’s so, then how can they allow other sellers to have a video that lasts up to 2:00?

I simply contacted Fiverr’s customer support and was told to resubmit my video, for approval. Well, I did as the representative told me and I was denied again. But this time, they told me that all of my images were inappropriate and irrelevant to my gig. Please explain how pictures of myself are irrelevant, when the gig I’m selling is a video testimonial. I’m trying to make the buyer see who I am, so they know what they’re getting. By them doing this, it took my gig offline and is unable to be bought, as of right now.

I do not know who the “Fiverr Editing Team” is but if this keeps up, I will be leaving the site. This website has made several hundred dollars off of me, from their $1 commission rate.

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usually say it or title it, at the very end of my video.

So use "Exclusively offered on Fiverr.com"

Also, amend this link with your information, to view the page I was referencing:

http://fiverr.com/users/[your username]/manage_gigs/[your gig url]/upload_video?ref=mg

Want to pass our Moderators? Follow these guidelines:

Video duration must be over 10 seconds and up to 30 seconds.

Use only original videos made by you

Upload a video of yourself presenting your own gig. You may include samples of your work, editing effects etc. as long as the presentation remains personal and made by you

Mention that your gig is offered exclusively on fiverr.com

Do not use the same video for more than one gig

Your video must be in reasonable quality, your voice has to be clear and easy to understand

Promotion of third party services, websites or brands (in writing or narration) or providing direct means of communication will not be allowed

Offering a service for any price other than $5 is not allowed

Make sure your video and gig adheres with our Terms of Service

Videos related to self improvement, getting rich methods, black hat marketing and similar are not permitted at this time

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