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A tip I never thought of that is helpful for everyone


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When I first started on Fiverr, I thought OH I can go and change the world! I was acting and doing all sorts of goofy videos when Fiverr was just a baby. Hopped off it for a while then about over a year ago got back on with the same mentality when I got into voice acting (which I still do!). I thought, OH I’m going to be the next Mark Hamill and rule the voice acting world. Then I realized, oh man there’s so much to do! I need to make my gigs look good, I need to go look at buyer requests and post on social media and all that good stuff! Little did I know I needed to take care of me. I was starting to get burned out after a while and didn’t think, hey maybe I need a mental health day and just not think about stuff for a day. So I did and man. I was so pumped back up when I got back into it. So if you’re working hard on your craft, AWESOME! But just remember, take care of you and don’t over work yourself! You sometimes deserve a breather.

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Guest love_2020

When your trying so hard but still nothing comes through your fiverr is just heart shattering 😦

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