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How does the fiverr rating system works?


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Hi, I want to know how does the Fiverr’s rating system works because I recently Canceled an order and lost 20% in order completion rating(out of 100%) but 2 days ago (after a few days of canceling) I completed a order within 24hrs and got only 3% increased (83% currently) Now I want why it only increased 3% and decreased 20%.
The order which I canceled was of $10 and the one completed two days ago was of $5.

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I see that you have less one minute read time on this forum so I’m not surprised that you also didn’t check fiverr help page on how fiverr rating system works.

But you can check one of very helpful posts from @maitasun where she is describing step by step and even with math examples on how that works.
(She actually wrote 2 posts about that)

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