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Hello everyone on fiver!

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Hello everyone!

I am very excited and happy to be part of this great community!

I am a graphic designer, web designer, marketer and photographer, I am always looking for collaborations for my personal growth and yours!

If you have any interesting projects to propose to me, I’ll listen to you!
I can help you in building everything you need for your brand and online business, website, e-commerce, blog, photo editing, facebook ads, social media marketing and Facebook page growth, creating video cartoon style, company presentations and graphic projects for both print and web.

I hope to meet many of you!

See you soon,
Marco Merafina

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  • 6 months later...

Hello every one on fiver !
My name is abdelkbir and I’m from morocco . I’m new here and wanted to introduce myself. Fiverr seems like a really lovely community and I look forward to being a part of it … thank you

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