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Photoshop Editing (I'm new at Fiverr) Please support


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@darlenisramirez welcome to forum

forget job start social media marketing, and send 10 buyer request everyday

Ha, but she does not do social media marketing so that was perhaps not a great suggestion…and there is no reason she should ‘forget job’ : D Imagine if you phone up a builder and ask, ‘do you make cakes?’ I mean, people sell what they are good at, and we should appreciate their skills.

I think it’s clear she offers photo editing and many clients will want this! There are apps that make it simple to edit photos in this way but I think many clients who are older or in certain markets may not know what apps to use and how to work them. So darlenisramirez, I would just say give it time, and keep on advertising only what you do best.

There is no need to start doing social media marketing; we are all good at something and you should stick with what you’re comfortable doing. The sales will come. And to be honest, I personally do not need help with social media marketing but I would buy photo editing. 🙂

Good luck darmelisramirez!

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Ha, but she does not do social media marketing so that was perhaps not a great suggestion…and there is no reason she should ‘forget job’ : D Imagine if you phone up a builder and ask, ‘do you make cakes?’ I mean, people sell what they are good at, and we should appreciate their skills.

I think it’s clear she offers photo editing and many clients will want this! There are apps that make it simple to edit photos in this way but I think many clients who are older or in certain markets may not know what apps to use and how to work them. So darlenisramirez, I would just say give it time, and keep on advertising only what you do best.

There is no need to start doing social media marketing; we are all good at something and you should stick with what you’re comfortable doing. The sales will come. And to be honest, I personally do not need help with social media marketing but I would buy photo editing. 🙂

Good luck darmelisramirez!

Thank you, I know it does takes time, patient, perseverance, and of course keep the hard work to show what we are capable of.

thanks again for taking the time to answer. greetings

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