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I am Ashraf Shahin, Front end website developer, Wordpress website developer, I would like to thank my almighty, my clients, fiverr team and all my helping hands for making my journey successful. Thank you very much for everything!!! 💖

SUCCESS is a combined result of proper planning, skills,communication and hardships. Self-confidence and self-belief will always bring you success. There are no shortcuts, A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

My PLANS say, “Work has to be done, anyhow” this determination gives me power and almighty brings me success. Scholars says, “Failure is the pillar of success.”- “I failed many times, lost confidence, money, power, disguised everything, broken down BUT I never gave up.”

Special thanks to KZ for being such a support. fiverr.com team,my clients, my angel brother, family and everyone who has made my freelancer journey possible. I’m a proud freelancer who achieved level-1 in 60-70 days.

Please Pray for me and for my family…
Many thanks,
Ashraf Shahin

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