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Buyer Requests Problem ,How fix this one


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Guest hanshuber16


There are several possible reasons why this might be happening:

  1. In order for you to see buyer requests (BRs), first there need to be buyers actually creating BRs in the sub-category that your gigs belong to. It could just be that there are no buyers creating BRs in your sub-category/whenever you check for them and see zero BRs.

  2. New sellers/unleveled sellers are shown much lesser # of BRs than sellers of a higher level. Sellers who are level 1 and higher have access to much higher # of BRs.

  3. BRs can appear at any time of the day or night, and as soon as they appear, they often disappear within a matter of minutes (for new/no-level sellers). This is because BRs are programmed such that they disappear (from new sellers’/unleveled sellers’ view) as soon as they receive ~10 offers from new/unleveled sellers. Considering there are thousands of sellers in each sub-category on Fiverr, you can imagine how quickly each BR receives 10 offers from new/unleveled sellers. It only takes a couple of seconds/minutes.

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