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Notification Chat vs Inbox Chat -- SO confusing!


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I use Fiverr for many different projects and am often working on multiple gigs at the same time. What always gets me is the redundancy and confusion of having to switch back and forth between the Notification Chat and the Inbox Chat.

I understand that there is a semantic difference and some value in separating them but this feature is SERIOUSLY problematic. If I am talking to one seller it is almost always about one order anyways. There should be an easy way to switch tabs between general chat with that person and chat specific to one order.

The current way it’s done is very obnoxious, as sometimes messages get lost or things get confusing. It is cumbersome and time wasting to switch back and forth between these chats which feel like they are at opposite ends of the app.

Please fix this and make it more user-friendly!

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Guest humanissocial

Rather, you have an order chat thread and a general chat thread.

If you get confused: the one with the “Timeline” tab is your order chat.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree that this is confusing and non-intuitive. It’s difficult to manage 2 separate chats and the customer doesn’t necessarily know the difference. I’ve never been a fan of this. I also don’t like the fact that each time I load the page, it gives me the notification

Seems like you already have an active order with sampleUser. Continue your conversation over at the order page or send a message here instead.

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