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Account Forgotten

Guest rana_mashood

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Guest rana_mashood

I forgot my previous account of fiverr (gmail and password both). Is there a procedure, that I can make another account without being banned by fiverr? I am using same pc and can not use another pc.

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Guest rana_mashood

You made one new account already by which you logged in to the forum. Are you thinking of creating another one?

No, I am not trying to make another account. But I am asking

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Some steps you could take. Since you remember it was a gmail account, try and list down all the gmail accounts you have. Then try and recover your gmail accounts using your phone number, if you tell gmail you do not remember you gmail account but have a number that you might have used, they will send you a list of all accounts linked to that number. After you have your list of accounts go to fiverr and click on forgot password, enter your email addresses and hope it was one of them.

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