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New policies fiverr should need to adopt


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For any business, building and maintaining a good reputation is never an easy task as it involves commitment, hard work and rendering of quality services to customers. Ripping sellers of their hard earned reputation so as to favor new sellers is a capital NO because doing so will highly discourage hard-work among sellers (of which will eventually lead to poor services).

Also do know that, all sellers who are now top rated, level 2 or level 1 were once a new seller with no batch, no review and no customers. Sellers who wants to be successful should know that it is their responsibility to earn it.

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Such a site wouldn’t be in the interest of Buyers who are here to find consistent value.

It wouldn’t even be in the interest of most Sellers who are here to build a business.

It would only serve a permanent “New Seller” Class.

I’ll stay here in RealVille 😎

Also, some of us Sellers are also occasional Buyers.

I sometimes buy voice-overs and do a boat load of searches for VO talent.

I like to evaluate VO Sellers on their voice and quality of their gigs – which I determine through reviews and demos. Taking that tool away would totally suck and make my job MUCH more difficult.

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on fiverr there are many new sellers and buyers sign in on fiverr but most of the buyers prefer top sellers who are working on fiverr from many years and their prices are almost same as new seller so in this its very difficult to sustain as a new seller only very few survive this phase. i think every year fiverr should reset the progress of all sellers and remove all of their ratings and everyone start as new on fiverr so everyone should get equal chances and this help in equal distribution of capital among freelancers and it will attract more buyers and seller which will bring more traffic and it is also beneficial for fiverr in long term as it will help them to increase their revenue to many folds and also it motivates all others sellers and fiverr can provide more quality services for everyone need and it will also promote friendly competition and help fiverr to rule out non performing GIGS and not like who have thousands of review taking aways majority of buyers and only very few percentage of buyers left for majority of new sellers.

what you think about this also correct me if you doesn’t like that or you want to modify it little

i think every year fiverr should reset the progress of all sellers and remove all of their ratings and everyone start as new

So much for the Terms of Service and the business model! :roll_eyes:

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Neither capitalism or socialism, the market who talk (supply and demand) 🤑

Neither capitalism or socialism, the market who talk

If you want to continue to use those terms please know the definitions:


an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets. In other words controlled by the market.

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I think it is a horrible idea! Imagine if it was YOU who had thousands of feedback, worked your behind off for years here, started out with $5 Gigs and then some “socialist” comes along and thinks that working hard should NOT be rewarded and that the “wealth should be shared”?

Uh, nope. It isn’t any sellers fault here who IS successful and has worked hard to get where they are that some new seller cannot get their footing. It is a FREE market - capitalism - everyone has a chance to do well - those who have something worthy to offer and do a good job will rise in the rankings here as well as gain feedback in the thousands.

Motivation comes from within, not from some site “leveling the playing field”. If a freelancer doesn’t have what it takes to survive here, they will fall by the wayside.

Besides, we have a monthly review here where people who have been TRS, Level 2 or Level 1 lose their badge and drop down due to either poor performance or other things - so, even those who have thousands of reviews can fall if they do not maintain their stats.

So, nope, I am not for socialism and “spreading the wealth”. LOL


@genuineguidance Well said 😀

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