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A Big Hello to the Community!

Guest jennicadombrows

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Guest jennicadombrows

Hello Hello!

I am new to the Fiverr community, and freelancing professionally!

I have been a local artist and storyteller in my corner of the world for some time now, and am finally branching out into the niche of freelancing. I am very excited to get started.

Presently, I only have one gig up right now in regards to proofreading and editing, but I am hoping to get a few more gigs related to some of my other skills such as Photoshop, Drawing, and Painting up as well!

A bit about me: I am an avid storyteller. I have worked in small time circuses, to renaissance festivals, to professional stages. My one true passion has always been storytelling, in all forms. I’m constantly trying to read new works, and help my fellow artists and writers get their own work off the ground. I am a bit of a nerd; I work at Comicon/Pop Culture style conventions as a panelist in my spare time. I also enjoy baking!

I cannot wait to get to know more about people in the community, and get started on selling! 😃


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Guest jon_angel

Welcome to the Fiverr family Jennica. Wow your background history and experience is amazing!! sounds like you came to the right platform 🙂 cant wait to see all your gigs. best of luck.

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