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After each completed purchase, I provide feedback to the seller. But then I receive an email asking for “private feedback.” Uh oh…

So let’s say, I am unhappy or critical. What happens to this feedback? How is it used? Do some people get to see it? Do sellers get thrown out of fiverr after so many negative “private” reviews?

I dislike this practice. It’s a little creepy and inappropriate.

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Posted (edited)

I am pretty certain that a buyer will be asked to leave private feedback about 24 hours after the order has been marked as complete. So a buyer should be able to leave private feedback without leaving a public review. However, I cannot be 100% sure as I always leave a review for sellers. 

I purchased something a few days ago, and like @krheateI was only asked to leave private feedback after completing my order (I left a review). I was asked to leave private feedback the following day.

Oh, and since the buyer is asked to leave private feedback after completing the order, a buyer could perhaps be tempted to leave negative private feedback as revenge for a seller leaving a less than 5-star review for the buyer. For this reason, it might be beneficial for a seller to only leave 5-star reviews for buyers unless they are absolutely sure that the buyer is going to be leaving a negative review.

I don't like the way this is set up, but that's how it is.

Edited by vibronx
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I think so, but that one keeps changing. At some point, buyers were prompted to leave private feedback before leaving the public one, then a bunch of buyers didn't leave a public feedback because they thought they already did it or couldn't be bothered with leaving feedback twice, then it was changed so that public feedback was first...

I'm really not sure what it's like now, so hopefully someone with fresh information will chime in (and then Fiverr might change that again...).

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If I think a buyer is going to leave a less than stellar review - rather than being sure of it! - I will leave a 5* with the commnet "Thank you for your order".  Mostly, because my buyers are generally enthusiastic, they leave 5* and my initial review is more detailed, particularly if they are a first time buyer. 

Occasionally, I think things have gone well ... and they leave a 4* - some people are like that.  On the rare occasions that happens, I feel peeved. 

Then I take a breath, step back ... write a response indicating my take on it.  For example - one buyer left 4*s for communication (I'm a *great* communicator, btw), writing that communication could have been better. 

After doing the whole "take a breath thing" - I said they were right:  communication wasn't great because *they* were not easy to get hold of (read: non responsive) and found answering my questions difficult.

You can be honest - but tactful! - in your responses to public reviews. 

Private reviews you can't do much about.  If they only leave a private one, but nothing public, the only way you can know about it is if your gig suddenly gets ignored by the algorithm.  It's never "for no reason".


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I was asked for a private review after making a purchase several months ago following the public review I left.

I think the private reviews are intended for Fiverr to monitor how things are going.

As matter-of-fact as I am on the Forum, I am far more forgiving in my public reviews.

I don't think I've given anyone less than 4-Stars and usually 5-Stars.

I'll leave a comment, as well.

If it happens to be a job I wasn't pleased with I just don't order from that Seller again.

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After each completed purchase, I provide feedback to the seller. But then I receive an email asking for “private feedback.” Uh oh…

So let’s say, I am unhappy or critical. What happens to this feedback? How is it used? Do some people get to see it? Do sellers get thrown out of fiverr after so many negative “private” reviews?

I dislike this practice. It’s a little creepy and inappropriate.

I dislike this practice. It’s a little creepy and inappropriate.

Yes, it is.

What happens to this feedback?

I imagine only Fiverr CS knows this answer. I have never had it affect my profile.

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It is probably a way to make sure sellers are not doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

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Guest hanshuber16

It is probably a way to make sure sellers are not doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

What if the buyer is, instead, the one who is doing things to cause problems? There’s no way for Fiverr to distinguish a problematic buyer/scammer from the other buyers (while they fill out this private feedback form), is there? Not unless the seller approaches Fiverr with proof of the buyer’s wrongdoings.

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It is probably a way to make sure sellers are not doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Fiverr has to be sure that they don’t have sellers who are doing things to cause problems.

The form only allows you to rate satisfaction from one star to five. Then it asks if you have used what was delivered. It doesn’t seem to indicate whether the seller did anything wrong, but whether or not you thought it was good quality.

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The form only allows you to rate satisfaction from one star to five. Then it asks if you have used what was delivered. It doesn’t seem to indicate whether the seller did anything wrong, but whether or not you thought it was good quality.

Then I’m not sure what it’s for, unless it’s to make sure they don’t promote problem sellers to top rated.

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Guest rgkirandesign

The form only allows you to rate satisfaction from one star to five. Then it asks if you have used what was delivered. It doesn’t seem to indicate whether the seller did anything wrong, but whether or not you thought it was good quality.

maybe its just for you(as buyer) & for fiverr customer service to get to know about a particular seller personally like “how was your experience is he good can we prompt him more do you think he completed the work on time, is his behavior was good during the work process etc,…”

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Hello Every one,

I am web designer and WordPress website developer. I always be polite to my clients, listen them, respond quickly, answer their questions, Work according to their requirements and provide free After support.

I made a support mistake, I couldn’t made fixes for them quickly and I think they didn’t left good private feed back for me and my Fiverr business gone down and I am getting very low traffic and got just 1 order in last 60 days 😦

Please take care so your clients leave good private feedback.

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It can be a variety of things that none of us will know. Right off the bat I can say that they can use this to detect patterns. If all public reviews are 5-stars and a ton of private reviews are 3 stars and an unuseable product, then perhaps something is happening that causes buyers to not feel comfortable posting their honest opinion. It may also help customer service resolve disputes. Again, we don’t know but what I can guarantee you is that it provides at least enough value for them to spend the time and money to implement the system.

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I have made the same experience recently on a customer. I had only 5 Star Reviews with repeating Customers.
But this one private Feedback had killed my traffic.

This is disproportionate. I have now stoped my freelance Work on Fiverr and moved on.

Funny thing, customer officially gave me 5 Stars…

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Buyer always receives a private feedback request usually one day later.
If buyer leaves five star rating but they privately give poor feedback, does it impact a bad effect for sellers gig ranking or sells?
I know that everything of fiverr is meaningful and important. I don’t know the result of positive or negative private feedback of buyer.
I have given below that picture. If anybody teach me detail, it will be really appreciate.
Thank you

image887×881 31 KB
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Buyer always receives a private feedback request usually one day later.

If buyer leaves five star rating but they privately give poor feedback, does it impact a bad effect for sellers gig ranking or sells?

I know that everything of fiverr is meaningful and important. I don’t know the result of positive or negative private feedback of buyer.

I have given below that picture. If anybody teach me detail, it will be really appreciate.

Thank you

If buyer leaves five star rating but they privately give poor feedback, does it impact a bad effect for sellers gig ranking or sells?

This is a good question, but I don’t know if anyone here on the forums has a definitive answer. Sellers don’t have access to this information anyway, thus it is an ‘uncontrollable’. Technically, all reviews are ‘uncontrollable’.

It’s better to focus on the things you can control.

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There was someone here a few months ago complaining that his gig had lost rank, CS told him it was a result of the private rating. So I’m assuming it does impact

his gig had lost rank, CS told him it was a result of the private rating. So I’m assuming it does impact

This is a valuable information. I am also thinking that such a result will be impact by the private feedback.


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21 minutes ago, vibronx said:

For this reason, it might be beneficial for a seller to only leave 5-star reviews for buyers unless they are absolutely sure that the buyer is going to be leaving a negative review.

That effectively negates the whole point of the seller’s review, but I guess, we don’t have much of a choice there.

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After the buyer accepts your delivery they are prompted to leave a review. This is the review that gets shown on your profile and gig pages. However a short time later, Fiverr will also ask the buyer for more feedback. This feedback is private. Neither you, or other buyers can see this information.

Perhaps a buyer will have feelings about the service that they didn't want to mention on a public review and so Fiverr wants to try and understand this information.

Nobody knows for sure how this private review affects your account but it is safe to assume that an order with a 5* Public review and a negative private review will be seen as less favourable than an order with a 5* public review and a positive private review.

So how can you improve this? Provide great service and create work that your buyers love! Do NOT ask your buyers to leave you a good review, or even hint about it. Because you can not see this review, there really isn't much point worrying about it anymore than your public reviews.

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