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Will Fiverr accept Cryptocurrency?


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You are wrong. The maximum amount of Bitcoins that can be mined is

You deleted your post, but

  1. You’ve got a few extra zeroes in there
  2. I don’t think I expressed there isn’t an upper bound for the number that could be mined.
  3. Regarding the plumbers and mall workers getting in on it, I feel that’s not the case. At this point, there are still few adopters using it for any sizable amount. I imagine the doo doo could hit the fan easily, but early adopters have made sizable gains.

In fact I’m not sure it isn’t a violation of US law to use it.

Why would it be? Doesn’t it have just as much credibility as the green pieces of cotton you earn on Fiverr?

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On 11/18/2018 at 2:39 PM, wooden_fish said:

Why would it be? 

Someone said every time an American leaves his home he is breaking at least five laws in some way.


If you reside in America and it is dinnertime, you have almost certainly broken the law. In his book Three Felonies a Day , civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three federal criminal laws every day. This toll does not count an avalanche of other laws — for example misdemeanors or civil violations such as disobeying a civil contempt order — all of which confront average people at every turn.

An article in the Economist (July 22, 2010) entitled “Too many laws, too many prisoners”

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On 11/18/2018 at 2:42 PM, misscrystal said:

Someone said every time an American leaves his home he is breaking at least five laws in some way.

If that’s the case then we need about a hundred times more law enforcement officers. If their cop roles were volunteer and then they worked as freelancers at night, maybe that could alleviate some national and local debt?

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Someone said every time an American leaves his home he is breaking at least five laws in some way.

If that’s the case then we need about a hundred times more law enforcement officers. If their cop roles were volunteer and then they worked as freelancers at night, maybe that could alleviate some national and local debt?

If their cop roles were volunteer and then they worked as freelancers at night,

You are describing the volunteer armed border patrols we have already, not to mention others.

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It’s more secure in that your bank can’t refuse to fulfill your transaction and no one can steel or freeze your account balance.

If all the physical US Dollars in the world were shared out equally among Americans, they would have approximately $3K each. The backing of the government as far as your currency goes is worthless as your total debt is a hairs whisker away from your total GDP. That debt only has value if someone buys it and at present, most people don’t because it is considered un-serviceable.

Should there ever be a 2008 like event, there will be no bank rescue package by the FED as they don’t have the funds anymore and printing money will just lead to hyper inflation. The point of Bitcoin is not to buy a new iPhone with it instead of using your Visa. The point is to create an easily moveable and exchangeable asset class which survives the impossible not to happen demise of the USD.

Of course in the meantime, you can buy drugs on the dark web if you really want to. I really wouldn’t recommend it though.

Shoot, do we owe you $15 for the crypto writing?

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Shoot, do we owe you $15 for the crypto writing?

If you want, feel free to donate! To be clear, though, I would hesitate to chance that I am the only ethical crypto writer on Fiverr. I refuse to write promotional content for ICOs and the like. I just write real news and market insights which give the blogs and news sites I work for much needed credibility in the space. 🙂

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  • 5 months later...

Hey folks!
Just wanted to put it out there as I’d love to sell my services and be able to accept cryptocurrency! Given that Fiverr is solely online it would be great if the site utilised online currencies as a payment option for sellers, as it currently stands, I convert all my earnings into Crypto anyway so to actually receive in crypto would be beautiful! Is this something that is likely to happen in the future? It seems crazy not to!

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Hey folks!

Just wanted to put it out there as I’d love to sell my services and be able to accept cryptocurrency! Given that Fiverr is solely online it would be great if the site utilised online currencies as a payment option for sellers, as it currently stands, I convert all my earnings into Crypto anyway so to actually receive in crypto would be beautiful! Is this something that is likely to happen in the future? It seems crazy not to!

I convert all my earnings into Crypto anyway so to actually receive in crypto would be beautiful!

Fiverr did used to accept Bitcoin. However, even then they only paid sellers in dollars. In this case, even if Fiverr did accept crypto in future, it is unlikely they would pay out in crypto.

One thing you can do, is use crypto-based freelancing sites. Alternatively, if you are good at scoring your own clients, offer them a 30% discount on your regular rates if they pay you with crypto. 30% equates (approximately) to what Fiverr takes in commission and fees. Since you don’t take that 30% home anyway, it can make a lot of sense to offer it to external clients as a discount. 😉

Which cryptos to you convert everything to btw?

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