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Invite a friend and get 100$

Guest saggu8834843

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Guest saggu8834843

Hi fiverr mates
Fiverr says invite a friends and get 100$ both.i invite the friend he also make gigs on fiverr now he is the member of fiverr comunity.my question is that when we get 100.is it true fiverr give us.
Let us know
Kindly respond my post.

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Guest saggu8834843

Have they purchased anything on Fiverr? The referral comes into effect once this has happened.

Thanku mr ahwritingco

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Guest saggu8834843

You’re welcome.

In short, your friend will receive 20% off their first purchase, up to the value of $100. You’ll then receive a cut of that and a cut of certain future purchases made by your friend. This money will be credited to your shopping balance.

Yes i got understanding thanks again

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