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Gig denied all the time


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Have a gig with the following text. But it geting denied all the time. Need help with under category it should be under. Did put it under writing / translation, technical writing.
Please help me with suggestions to get my gig in.

Here are the text.

Need a document/report that say it´s bacterial killing and it have a strong effect. The report should be at least 5 pages with diagrams and proof that the product is 100% decomposable. Have a SDS on the product. Have to look like a testing laboratory has done the test with signs, stamps etc on the document. Looking professional made, no school work!

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Have you received an email why your gig is denied?

If not, you should contact Customer Support and ask them for clarification. ☀️

I only get this all the time.

  • It contains payment information.
  • It contains contact information (e.g ■■■■■, email, phone no.), or your site/social media URL.
  • You submitted your request to multiple categories. You should select the most suitable category and subcategory, and then submit only one request.
  • It contains a request for services, which are not allowed on Fiverr (e.g. violation of third party Terms Of Service, Copyrighted materials, licensed software, etc.).
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I only get this all the time.

  • It contains payment information.
  • It contains contact information (e.g ■■■■■, email, phone no.), or your site/social media URL.
  • You submitted your request to multiple categories. You should select the most suitable category and subcategory, and then submit only one request.
  • It contains a request for services, which are not allowed on Fiverr (e.g. violation of third party Terms Of Service, Copyrighted materials, licensed software, etc.).

thanks for help:grinning:😀

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