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Why I Can't See the Attachment Photos From The Phone

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Greetings! Nowadays I’m facing an issue with fiverr. Suppose a new buyer contact me to my inbox regarding any of my GIG. The buyer attaches a picture with his first text.

But I can’t see that attachment file from the Mobile/Phone. Though I can see the attachment file from my Laptop. In that case, I need to request my buyer to attach the file again to see by the phone. I can see the second attachment from my phone.

Is it a problem of Fiverr or My Mobile Issue? Are you facing this problem?


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I think that’s how the app is configured.

I dont know if you have also noticed that you can’t see attached files in buyer requests too when you check them from your mobile app.

I’m not clear that is it app problem.

I can’t see the buyer requests attachment from the phone/Mobile.

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