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How to get more and more impression and view to my gig?


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I just want help. You belive it or not your decision.

It’s not a matter of me believing or not.

It’s a matter of advising potentially harmful things. It’s stated in forum guidelines that you should speak and advise things only based on your experience. And you are advising something not proven and don’t even bother to explain what do you mean by “forum marketing”

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Guest jhakz1234

I just want help. You belive it or not your decision.

I just want help. You belive it or not your decisio

You can not mislead the sellers by giving wrong information . If you are true that forum marketing works then you should already get some orders …

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jhakz1234

You have to complete more order to improve it … If you have cancelled orders before and you are not completing any orders then it will be increased… Because fiverr counts completion and cancellation of past 60 days .Try to complete more orders …It will be increased …

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  • 1 month later...
Guest hum_on_the_go

Hi there @moutushizaman, If my brain have not let me down this time, which happen to often :rofl: I believe someone has left a thread a few weeks ago about Fridays being the best day to check your BR. Good luck.

Warmly, Humberto

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Guest hanshuber16

Hi @moutushizaman,

There is no “best time” for buyer requests. They can appear at any time of the day or night. There are no fixed timings for when they appear. Since there are buyers posting buyer requests from all over the world (from different time zones), they can appear at any time of the day or night.

It is possible that you’ve noticed them being released at a particular time and believed that buyer requests are only made available at that time of the day everyday. But that’s not the case. It doesn’t mean they’re only released at that time of the day. 

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Guest hanshuber16

I doubt the OP is asking for a particular day of the week. They seem to be asking for a particular time of the day when they can see the most BRs, which, unfortunately, doesn’t exist.

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Guest hanshuber16


No one knows the exact algorithm that Fiverr uses to rank gigs. However, from the little I understand, your gig’s rank has a lot to do with your performance as reflected by your performance stats (order completion %, on-time delivery %, response rate, and your overall rating).

I don’t think your gig’s rank has anything to do with the number of gigs your have, the # of impressions/clicks/views your gigs have, or the number of reviews your gigs have (if that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to find a gig that has 1000+ views on the last page, which is not really the case). 

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Congrats for joining us! Here, in the forum, you can share experience to encourage others and ask some questions, just make sure they have not been asked and answered before. 😉

Here are some tips I recommend:


Those tips are also helpful for old sellers! You may want to take some time to read them. 

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