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Why FIVERR give more favor to buyer's?

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Almost 2 months ago, I got an order for 2 patterns. i worked on patterns and did as she want. I enclosed the delivery, she hasn’t responded for 3 days, it was going to complete automatically in 1-2 hours. and suddenly I got a notification for revision. she said I don’t want this design, I told her you sent me inspirations and I worked on that what should I do if you don’t want this design?
and she replied after 2 days with new inspiration ( as I delivered the same design again because I was not clear what to do).
when she came back, she revised the order again. I told her that I am getting too late for order so I want to cancel the order, don’t want to proceed further. then she told me, let me mark the order so you won’t get the late delivery issue, Lets work on new inspiration.
I was fine with that then i worked on New patterns, I showed her everything when she approved the design I sent her all the files with some extra versions of patterns ( free of cost) because she gave me a favor.
i was done with the project because again she was not responded. i got her text 3 days ago, please send me 1 more version of the design, I told her " yeah I will do that just need some time because i was busy with other projects.
Yesterday i got notification from Fiverr that " Your order is canceled from customer support because of blank delivery". and also i Got the warning from Fiverr.
Order canceled because she contacted customer support, after cancelation i sent a text “Hey, i have sent you all files here and you contacted customer support to cancel the order…”
She Blocked me so that i couldn’t contact her again
As Order has been canceled from Fiverr Support, I just want to know, She got everything from me Designs, versions, obv she will use my designs. what i got for 15 days work? nothing…
And she Got everything for free of cost.

Suggestions: if someone contacts Fiverr support, Fiverr should clarify from seller’s also if we did this thing or not…
i am really disappointed with this thing, fiverr always give favor to its buyer’s but the real thing is we (Seller) are the one who worked day and night to give fiverr more revenue.
That’s all from my side…


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