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Buyer gave bad rating by mistake


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Guest rohini_red_star


Its me again. I posted this 1 year ago but now I have gain much more experience about this platform. Probably they changed that ratings because the buyer also had opened a ticket to them.

My suggestion is, do not contact to the buyer or cs about changing the rating. My case was rare but most of the time people get warning when they talk about this rating with the CS.

Even if it was by mistake, let it there and do hard work for more and more 5 star ratings.

Good luck all!

i dont understand, what TOS exactly will you brake by contacting cs??

Guest rohini_red_star

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

no no…

How you break the TOS when contacting cs for a wrong review? Which terms, what do you do wrong, when the buyer made a mistake?


no no…

How you break the TOS when contacting cs for a wrong review? Which terms, what do you do wrong, when the buyer made a mistake?

Sorry, I thought you replied on my other thread therefore I replied very differently.

So answering to your question, I think when you talked about 5 stars then you violate tos. In my case it was clear that buyer wrote a very good comment and then gave 1 start directly not even 4 or 3. I described the situation to them, I did not say them why it is 1 star and/or it should be 5.On the other hand, buyer also had opened the ticket about this.

Many times people who get warning with discussing this with CS. There might be difference that how they discuss. Sometimes people are in so anger that when they get 1 star rating they their-selves start considering it that buyer leave it with mistake and start messaging to the buyer about this and also open the ticked and when CS see their messages about 5 stars then they might give warning.

  • 2 weeks later...

So Here you can’t do anything.
If you take any action, then it can be harmful for your account.
It’s better, just ignore this and move on for the next.


Sellers had the option to request the buyer for changing the reviews years ago. Now it’s not there. I am not sure if your buyer can change the review by contacting but I am sure of one thing, you will get a warning.

  • 1 year later...

Hi Fiver,
My Order number #FO71741B4E303
My Buyer name is jaygfit9
Today I completed an order and my buyer leave feedback.
He wrote in feedback “Excellent work. Fast communication. Great seller.” but He gave me 4.3-star review.
And then I thought maybe he did not know that 4.3 stars is for excellent or for poor feedback, I talked to him and he said that he gave 5 stars but that become 4star, he was saying that its looked like a bug in Fiverr.
Now he also wants to change rating kindly update my rating from the buyer side.
Thank you
Please help me in this regard.
Regards Muhebullah



Guest lloydsolutions
1 hour ago, muhebullah said:

I talked to him and he said that he gave 5 stars but that become 4star, he was saying that its looked like a bug in Fiverr.

There have been many forum posts where sellers have got a warning for discussing a review.

Best to leave it and move on.


2 hours ago, muhebullah said:

Hi Fiver,

This is the Fiverr Forum. It is not Customer Service.  We are mostly other sellers here we cannot change reviews for you.


2 hours ago, muhebullah said:

And then I thought maybe he did not know that 4.3 stars is for excellent or for poor feedback, I talked to him and he said that he gave 5 stars but that become 4star, he was saying that its looked like a bug in Fiverr.

I would leave it alone. Many sellers have said here, on the Fiverr Forum, that they have gotten warnings for questioning a buyer's review. 

If you already contacted CS about this situation, good luck!


This was your buyer's review. I would say you got a lower review because the buyer had a bit of difficulty communicating with you. Now that you have questioned their judgement you may get a poor secret review, which affects your gig placement by the algorithm more than the review that appears on your profile. You would have been better off just leaving it alone. 1091556850_ScreenShot2022-04-04at3_46_18PM.thumb.png.b305ff167731c865114d44ee6ba5bcb4.png


1 hour ago, naturaleditorbd said:

Fiverr customer support obviously it will be helpful for this condition.

Have you had good luck in asking CS about making changes to reviews? It is best not to give advice unless you are sure it is helpful. Experienced sellers know asking CS about changing a review after questioning a buyer about that review is not a good idea.


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