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Only 6 orders in one year


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While luck is a major component when you have no reviews, you might want to try these:

  • Edit your gigs and change the way in which they are presented every once in a while (only as long as you are not getting orders!). Make sure they are clear on what the customers will get for their money. Even if the changes are minor, just the action of editing your gigs is known to ‘refresh’ them in the search algorithm.

  • Check whether others are offering the same as you at a lower price, and act accordingly.

  • Lower your prices. If you have no reviews, you might want to offer the first few services dirt-cheap in order to garner a few reviews for customers to see.

  • If all else fails, contact Customer Support to ask that they double-check whether your gig is indeed showing up in searches.

Guest lloydsolutions

I have no orders, even I have completed 6 orders successfully. I have joined fiverr in last November and I have got just 6 orders.

What should I do ?

I have no orders

Check this out:

Also check out: for hundreds of tips on how to get orders.

Lots of great tips and information in the above.


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