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Blind Review System - Share Your Thoughts


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Blind Review System - Share Your Thoughts.

For me, it’s useless and unnecessary implemented. There is no logic behind it. What honest feedback do they want to see? Sellers cannot see buyers rating so what is the point of sellers being rating buyers?

Fiverr is different than upwork. In upwork such blind system works because their buyer seller do communicate on projects before they get finalized. Here on Fiverr, there are no project, we as sellers just sell the services.

In my 8000+ completed orders history, majority orders get successfully completed without even knowing or communicating each other (buyer/seller).

Overall it’s just a mess to make unnecessary pressure on sellers. Buyers are already manipulating this system now. Even buyer can clearly lie that this seller has not delivered me anything, and CS won’t even look on order and give the verdict against seller (happened to me).

In the long run, this new review system will backfire not only sellers but the reputation of Fiverr will be ruined.

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