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Does anyone here use fiverr to make a living?


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  • 8 months later...

I would imagine there is numerous people that make a living off of this, very easily. Even those that aren’t top rated sellers. It’s kind of unstable at times, and until you get at least 2 good established gigs, I wouldn’t recommend just focusing on this as your only source of income.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I’m curious as to those who who say they make a living on Fiverr in this forum, as I’ve looked up a few and they are no longer on this site. If one is doing so well, why would they leave the site only a year later. I find the site great for cash here and there or to spend my money on other gigs that benefit my clients, but I would be very interested in learning who is seriously making a living off this site, what genre of gigs they offer, and what does one constitute as making a living. I’m sure we’ll find that is an oddity as opposed to many.

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