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A Commitment to Community: Updates to Our Product


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Come on Andy don’t ruin this.

Come on Andy don’t ruin this.

I’m not ruining anything. I’m stating the obvious. Many sellers top concerns have been orders placed in error and the 4.7 app review bug. 4.7 reviews now get rounded down to 4.5 reviews and unjust cancellations still effect sellers. (Unless they are psychic and block the right buyer before they place an order. Quite honestly, I’m confused about why this is being seen as so game-changing.

If you think I’m missing something, please feel free to enlighten me.

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Come on Andy don’t ruin this.

I’m not ruining anything. I’m stating the obvious. Many sellers top concerns have been orders placed in error and the 4.7 app review bug. 4.7 reviews now get rounded down to 4.5 reviews and unjust cancellations still effect sellers. (Unless they are psychic and block the right buyer before they place an order. Quite honestly, I’m confused about why this is being seen as so game-changing.

If you think I’m missing something, please feel free to enlighten me.

They are trying to take some of the stress off of sellers and you are complaining about it.

Anything they can do toward that is an improvement.


Orders by mistake are not related to this.

Orders by mistake are not related to this.

So, is there anything being done about the “orders by mistake” situations? The only cancellation I’ve had this month is because someone ordered by mistake so I really hope there’s something in the pipeline to address this little issue.


I had the review bug give me some 4.7 reviews in one 60 day period and saw my average drop. It was very stressful.

Lately it hasn’t happened. Someone said they can’t leave reviews on the app any more so that was a fix for that.


Come on Andy don’t ruin this.

I’m not ruining anything. I’m stating the obvious. Many sellers top concerns have been orders placed in error and the 4.7 app review bug. 4.7 reviews now get rounded down to 4.5 reviews and unjust cancellations still effect sellers. (Unless they are psychic and block the right buyer before they place an order. Quite honestly, I’m confused about why this is being seen as so game-changing.

If you think I’m missing something, please feel free to enlighten me.

Many sellers top concerns have been orders placed in error

Thanks @cyaxrex. As stated above, that concern is separate from this announcement. I’m sorry if you personally don’t feel that this announcement isn’t a good thing, but we feel that it does a lot to empower both buyers and sellers by providing more tools, options, and opportunities for honest feedback.

On 9/12/2018 at 3:33 PM, nikavoice said:

Kinda long, coz I have have a few things to say, k? 🤡

WowWee~ I got a message to come over and read the forum. I was certainly in for a treat! So, thank you to "you know who you are" you weren’t lying LOL. 😛

I’ll be honest many Sellers have become demotivated and turned from lean 🥩 entrepreneurs to salty ones if ya know what I mean. This change came at a good time, sure I’d like to touch on different subjects but for right now I appreciate the effort Fiverr has taken.

"Our voices were heard loud and clearly"

See, I knew you guys and gals weren’t oblivious. 😎

You’ve Got Options


Soon, sellers will have the option to stop communication and orders from certain buyers, all without impacting cancellation percentages or seller rankings.

Oh, HAPPY day this is one is for the books. 🎉

Trust and Safety First

This is HUGE because sometimes, reports are made and the profile in question is still up & operating in a shady way. So, hearing T&S commitment to combat these issues quicker is just awesome. :ok_hand:t4:

Changes to Level Evaluation


the rating threshold will be lowered from a 4.8 to 4.7 average in the last 60 days, and the lowest rated order during the period will be removed from the evaluation of the seller.

A good start.

Feedback That Goes Both Ways

This sounds eerily similar to your competitor, yanno, the UPs people. So, I’m very familiar with how this works. I actually, like the transparency of this blind feedback system. No pressure, just an honest opinion of services rendered and dealing with the client.

I’m saying this on the behalf of those amazingly honest Buyers. Like moi a Pro Buyer, Gina etc. The ones who will not abuse this system, but use it in fair way.

Thank you for listening, 5r!

OK, so now that’s out of the way…

I want to foot the bill to buy the entire Fiverr Staff coffee.😁

Or maybe I should just stick with treating Matt or @micha to coffee?

Of course, I understand we can’t have our cake 🍰 and eat it, too. But, I’m ready to nibble and enjoy this piece of cake.

Anyway, cheers!

It’s you we all should be buying coffee for! Hit up the next Community Event neer you and I can make it happen! 

On 9/12/2018 at 3:33 PM, misscrystal said:

They are trying to take some of the stress off of sellers and you are complaining about it.

Well, I guess I’m just lucky in that I’ve never been affected by any of the problems which are now fixed by this update. I could already review buyers, I could already flag gigs. And if I don’t want a buyer to message or order me, I just say, “please don’t message or order from me.”

In this case, I’ll just wait for future announcements which might apply to the problems which I do experience on Fiverr. I’m very happy, though, that this update will help you and others succeed a little less stressfully.


They are trying to take some of the stress off of sellers and you are complaining about it.

Well, I guess I’m just lucky in that I’ve never been affected by any of the problems which are now fixed by this update. I could already review buyers, I could already flag gigs. And if I don’t want a buyer to message or order me, I just say, “please don’t message or order from me.”

In this case, I’ll just wait for future announcements which might apply to the problems which I do experience on Fiverr. I’m very happy, though, that this update will help you and others succeed a little less stressfully.

I’ve had buyers order from me immediately after I told them not to order from me. This is a huge improvement if we can block them. I had one who did not understand English and ordered in spite of me telling him not to order and had to cancel it. This happens quite a bit, for various reasons.

On 9/12/2018 at 3:46 PM, mjensen415 said:

It’s you we all should be buying coffee for! Hit up the next Community Event neer you and I can make it happen!

Awww 😍

OK, now I’m blushing LOL. 🤭

It’s hard for me to turn down a nice cuppa brew.

I’ll check it out to see if anything is near my neck of the woods. :ok_hand:t4:

Meetups are always fun to get to see the ‘real’ person behind the screen name.

I’m a social 🦋 butterfly IRL, too.

On 9/12/2018 at 3:58 PM, miiila said:

I’m not quite convinced that the change to a blind review system is good though, see the concerns already voiced above, it would be bad to lose the ability to reply to a bad, or even malicious (whether ‘real’ buyer or competitor) review. (Eta, as I only now saw Eoin’s comment above mine, was still typing while he posted: not to reply “in kind” but to have the chance to explain what might have gone wrong, like buyer didn’t read gig description, ordered 1 piece of X but expected 4 pieces of X and leaves a bad review when he doesn’t get 4, etc.

I agree though that it might be a good deal to sacrifice that if it leads to buyers’ reviews being just as visible on buyers’ profiles.

I agree with Miiila! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Does this mean if we get a bad review we cannot leave any response after we see what they said? I think we should be able to do that. The review they leave is how we know if they are unhappy usually.

It’s going to look weird if a seller gives a buyer a great review and then the buyer leaves horrible feedback everyone can see. Potential buyers appreciate seeing how the seller responds to bad reviews.

Waiting for fiverr’s decision on this issue.


FINALLY they listen! Applause guys.

Now we seeing lights!

Good move @micha the fiverr CEO!

FINALLY they listen! Applause guys.

Now we seeing lights!

I completely agree! I think this is a very powerful move by Fiverr, and shows that they have been listening to our concerns!

I do hope the lifetime reviews will be back…

I do think this is a big element in providing a trust in the platform - let performance be accurately reflected, not watered down by the reviews given in the “last 60 days.” That enhancement never made sense to me in the first place.

On 9/12/2018 at 9:37 PM, kha1ed said:

whats the new thing? Previously, we could simply block the buyer and they can’t order from us anyway, whats the new thing here? 

No, you could not stop buyer from order, you could only stop further communication through inbox.


Personal thoughts - I LOVE the block option and it will help me. I’ve had buyers ask for oddball things and I could tell they were going to order even if I said not to, so I had to pause gigs or go OOO. I’m thrilled about the change to soften the level system a bit. It sounds fairer to me. if one more thing could be added it would be to help with the buyer-fault or no-fault cancellations and I would find the whole level system much more workable. GREAT start and thanks to all staff including the big cheese! 🙂

I’m not a fan of the blind review thing. Personally I just won’t leave reviews for buyers at all if that is my option. I rarely ever get a 4 or lower, but when I do, it’s usually a surprise to me. I wouldn’t try to “guess ahead” and look like an idiot. Still, overall this post is excellent. Thanks again!

On 9/13/2018 at 2:33 AM, mjensen415 said:
the rating threshold will be lowered from a 4.8 to 4.7 average in the last 60 days,

Thank you! Now I understand why my analytics 4.7 metric is no longer in the red. You made the right decision. Asking for 4.8 was too high. 


the rating threshold will be lowered from a 4.8 to 4.7 average in the last 60 days

Thank you! Now I understand why my analytics 4.7 metric is no longer in the red. You made the right decision. Asking for 4.8 was too high.

My analytics page still says maintain a 4.8 star rating but maybe they haven’t changed the text yet. Congratulations!

Guest legacine

I appreciate the updates and won’t reiterate the concerns expressed by others with respect to cancellations of orders placed by mistake, or of orders where a service that the Seller does not provide is requested.

Since no one else has brought it up (yet), I’ll ask a simple question.

Will we ever see the shopping cart again?

Fiverr is the only platform I’m aware of where you sell and purchase products and services… but where you can’t collect those products and services in a shopping cart for convenience. Having to make purchases individually is surely a deterrent to at least a few Buyers.


This is just fantastic! Let’s all celebrate! 🍾

Good job fiverr! 😃

This will make all sellers much more happy and relaxed. Finally we can block problem buyers.

Thanks you are great rokzzz


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