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Seller threatening to ruin name/business


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Hi everyone.
I am new to Fiverr. As a real estate agent, I tried using Fiverr to help me with cold calling.
I placed orders with two different sellers. First one was great. I left him a good review, and he did leave a good review for me.
For the second person, before putting in an order I specifically asked him how I can keep track of his performance, and he told me that he will send me a report at the end of everyday showing who he called and what the results were.
Fast forward a few days and I only received one report on the first day.
Deadline for the project has passed, and the day after the deadline I didn’t hear anything from him so I cancelled the order.
From the first message he sent me he started calling me a scammer and F you and all that.
I tried to explain things to him but the conversation didn’t go anywhere.
I felt like I was wasting my time talking to him, so I reported the conversation to customer support, and blocked him. Then he started sending me emails with big F YOU title, saying if I don’t send the payment by Paypal he would ruin my name and my business.
I have no intention to let him threaten and extort me, whether it’s $100 or $1.
I have further contacted customer support on this issue, with snapshot of the emails.

I’m curious to know how you would respond to this kind of situation. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks.


your best defense is good records of the interaction.

it’s doubtful this person has sway with anyone to adequately disparage your name and business… Empty threats.

probably all you need to do is spam-filter their e-mails and move on… if their e-mail is connected to social media it may be possible to see who they are and if anyone is likely to pay attention to them (un-likely)


Hi everyone.

I am new to Fiverr. As a real estate agent, I tried using Fiverr to help me with cold calling.

I placed orders with two different sellers. First one was great. I left him a good review, and he did leave a good review for me.

For the second person, before putting in an order I specifically asked him how I can keep track of his performance, and he told me that he will send me a report at the end of everyday showing who he called and what the results were.

Fast forward a few days and I only received one report on the first day.

Deadline for the project has passed, and the day after the deadline I didn’t hear anything from him so I cancelled the order.

From the first message he sent me he started calling me a scammer and F you and all that.

I tried to explain things to him but the conversation didn’t go anywhere.

I felt like I was wasting my time talking to him, so I reported the conversation to customer support, and blocked him. Then he started sending me emails with big F YOU title, saying if I don’t send the payment by Paypal he would ruin my name and my business.

I have no intention to let him threaten and extort me, whether it’s $100 or $1.

I have further contacted customer support on this issue, with snapshot of the emails.

I’m curious to know how you would respond to this kind of situation. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks.

Yikes! What a nasty situation. 😬

Sorry, you are having an unpleasant experience.

so I reported the conversation to customer support, and blocked him. Then he started sending me emails with big F YOU title, saying if I don’t send the payment by Paypal he would ruin my name and my business.

Don’t engage this Seller, let the proof pile up and submit those screenshots for CS to review. If the Seller is contacting you outside of 5r via email, that’s a big NO-NO. In fact, it’s a TOS violation tsk, tsk, tsk. In the meantime just wait patiently for CS to reply back to you.


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