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How to improve my writing gig?

Guest freyavandelaak

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Guest freyavandelaak

Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

So I have this writing gig and I would just like advice on it, and how I could possibly improve it.

Also, I need feedback regarding the prices. I’m not really confident with how much my writing (word count) is worth and have looked at other gigs for reference but am still unsure (some gigs charge $100 for 1000 words!)

Thank you 😀

Guest joshcates

Some thoughts as I look at your gig: You are likely undervaluing yourself with your higher packages. Don’t be afraid to charge the same amount at the higher wordcount! Buying in bulk does not always merit such an undercut. I would also change ‘you need to contact me’ which sounds a little harsh to ‘please contact me so that I can get an understanding of your project’, etc. Something like that. If it helps, highlight that line, too!

Give some examples of where your writing has been used, or what makes it special. What is your specialty? Do you like sensory involvement? Are you great at worldbuilding? If you have a short (500 word) piece, convert it to PDF and set it as an example.



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