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Guest zaiba202

Where are your gigs, put your gigs link here.

Guest zaiba202

remove assignment gigs Fiverr not allow this kind of stuff.


I have removed but need an explanation as to why because I saw someone else post a gig like that.

I have removed but need an explanation as to why because I saw someone else post a gig like that.

Sellers who post such gigs are taking a chance on losing their accounts.

Guest hanshuber16

I have removed but need an explanation as to why because I saw someone else post a gig like that.

Hello! Welcome to Fiverr. 🙂 Hope you have a good experience and good luck!

I would like to point out that certain websites that provide services (like Fiverr) have certain rules and regulations that everyone has to follow so that it is fair for everyone who is using the website. They are called terms of service (ToS). And according to the ToS of Fiverr, it is not allowed to provide academic help of any sort because it is considered as a violation of the integrity code of most academic institutions in the world. 😮 Here is the original version -

“Third party TOS violation - By taking part in doing someone else’s academic work (which will likely be submitted as the student’s own work) you are actively taking part in a violation of the integrity code of most, if not all, schools and academic institutions. This behavior can lead to the suspension or expulsion of students. Fiverr does not allow taking part in such fraudulent activities and these will not be permitted on our platform.”


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