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Show us your workspace (2018 edition)

Guest armejndi

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My workspace is where ever I can setup and work without having to relocate. But it involves my laptop, phone, stenobook and pens for light days and a whole bunch of other stuff on top of the prior plus YouTube in the background.

Currently using main computer till I can get a replacement battery. What else? Oh, refreshing drinks and snacks.

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Guest uxreview

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You need a decent table 🙂

It’s painful to watch such a beast under whatever it is 😛

I think you have enough space for a better table.

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Guest armejndi

I think you have enough space for a better table.

Space : Yes

Funds: LOL NO

Funds: LOL NO

My life summed up in one sentence.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest neromare

My workspace is a simple desk and a laptop. I think I have to upgrade the workspace, lot’s of inspiration here.

It’s not the ride. It’s the rider.

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My workspace is exactly like me, incredibly low effort and messy.

What an excellent way to instill confidence in your business. Announce online that you are incredibly low effort and messy.

There’s no “how do I mek-sell” with @ssj1236. Just a crawl through the used laundry tunnel each morning to the litter box, before logging on to Fiverr to see how may projects demand a tenth of his attention today. - Well done you for sticking to your cool guns. 😎

My workspace is exactly like me, incredibly low effort and messy.


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