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Does pausing you gigs lower your rating?


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Do you mean your ranking?

If so, in some cases, yes. It seems to be dependent on the category though. I have had some gigs I paused and brought back later… lower on the page, or not showing up again in that category at which point, I switched it over to another and it pops up. Others I paused for a long period of time, came back and put it live again and it popped up in the same spot.

I think well from my understanding if a new gig let’s say pops up and is in popular demand, it has a chance to take your spot in a sense, indefinitely from where you may have been popping up so that when you try to go live again, you may very well not show up there anymore as another has taken your spot. What you could do is just set all your deadlines as far back as they can go and state that you won’t be able to deal with orders until x date.

In regards to “rating” if you did mean it as such like % wise, no. I have 100% still even on gigs I have paused and brought back multiple times


I noticed only one thing with deletion. I had negative rating on my 1 day delivery gigs because I couldn’t reach to computer to finish the tasks in 1 day juggling in between my offline work. So I deleted that gig and replaced it with other gigs of about 4 day delivery. I have managed to get over the negative ratings and managed to reach level 2 back. Deletion and pausing does help to some extent during such times. I am not sure how much it impacts our overall rating though. There is pie chart in analytics page where we can see cancellation ratio which has effect on our rating.


I think that pausing a gig does have some effect but it is not as pronounced as being out of town for a couple of days and getting a negative feedback does. For example, one of my gigs require me to write custom messages using Origami characters (http://fiverr.com/mbrjv11/write-any-message-with-origami-alphabets/)

It has 100% rating at the moment but if I am not able to produce a message quickly then it is better to pause that gig for that particular time, when you are away from internet or enjoying a vacation.

Best Regards




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