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How to CANCEL AN ORDER PLACED MISTAKENLY before submitting the seller's requirement?

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I have mistakenly placed an order from a seller while trying to ensure that debit card payment is working for buying gigs or not.
I supposed, before ordering, it will ask for card detail, but I completely forgot the amount can be dedcuted from revenues too and I ended up placing the order by mistake! 😢

I didn’t submit the details yet. Now I want to cancel it before I submit the requirements.
Under option “manage orders” it shows the order as incomplete and my order is not added as in the sellers queue. How can I cancel this order or it will automatically cancel after 24 hours?


Your response will be much appreciated :hugs:

You need to contact the CS (or contact the seller with the explanation for them to contact the CS). It won’t cancel automatically, incomplete orders just hang there forever until someone involved takes action.

Guest offlinehelpers

🐘 Elephant in the room here - you’re a seller yourself.

This cancellation will count against the seller even though it was your mistake.

Couldn’t you just complete the order, if it’s a small one, and remember which button not to click the next time you’re trying something out - put it down to experience?

I hope this doesn’t sound unkind, but having been on the receiving end of such mistakenly placed orders and their consequences, what you want to do is more than a bit unfair on the seller.


The honorable thing to do here would be just to let the order play through.

Order is created because an order number is generated and after that you are taken to the requirements section of the seller’s gig. Its the “timer” of the order that has not yet been started, I guess!!

Seller can cancel it but it will count in his/her stats, I doubt if a seller will do that. Only the CS can do that for you now!!

Good Luck!!


Thanks everyone! I will drop a message in the seller’s inbox, if the seller wants we can have a mutual cancellation ,else I would complete the order. 👍


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