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Favorite Videos on Youtube


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I agree with you. Its not a social media platform. We should discuss about fiverr only.

There are tons of posts on “what are you listening to now” “what are you reading now”, “what are you watching now” and so on. This is the conversation page.

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Be very careful with the videos you choose to post.

I just wanted to let people know that a new rule was implemented/heavily enforced back in March. If the video is suggestive, adult related, offensive etc. then it could land people in hot water. So, I urge all to take sometime to read this topic.

*Note that images, emojis, memes, videos, music videos and other content are treated in the same way. Please do not use these if they have suggestive content or in a way that is intended to be taken that way. This includes the use of images as substitutions for body parts.

Cautions Regarding Potentially Offensive Posts/Comments/Forum PM’s This is an issue that is already implied in the rules considering that a forum is essentially a PG13 place. Since rating systems vary from country to country, to put this more simply, public posts should be family friendly. Even though this is already implied in the forum rules and community guidelines, it has not always been enforced and has been even less enforced in private forums or within the private message system. The Fiv…
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