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Please, get back the fixed navigation bar

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I have just noticed that Fiverr has changed it’s fixed navigation bar to a normal one. It’s not really that of a big deal, but having to scroll back up again while you’re at the bottom of a 50+ messages on the order page, that’s not really a good user experience.

Having all the useful links at the top of the screen whenever you need them is something that makes our daily-work on Fiverr much easier. If you’re on the order page, searching through sellers’ gigs or you’re just checking the buyer requests, getting the opportunity to immediately change pages/categories without scrolling up again, I personally see it as a way that provides easy navigation for both buyers & sellers.

Specially that with the normal navigation, you don’t get notified if you have a new notification. You’ll have to scroll up all again to check if there’s any new notifications (Assuming that you have missed the notification at the right-bottom corner when it appeared because you were preparing your coffee or something.)

So yeah, that’s just my “not of a big deal” suggestion to get back the fixed navigation. Have any different thoughts? Let’s discuss!

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