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7 Active, Paused 1, Can't Post 7th


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I had 7 gigs, found out I was at my limit as a basic seller. I paused one so I could add another, and I can’t get it added. Can’t even start it. I keep being taken back to my list of active gigs. Have the gig limits changed? The Help pages still show 7 for basics. Is there some process that I have to wait on?

Thanks for your help.



Perhaps you are only allowed to have seven gigs total. You have seven active gigs, and one paused – that’s a total of eight gigs.

Oh. I didn’t see in Help where we had to delete to add. I thought I read pause to add. Surely that can’t be true. Have to rewrite older gigs that we want to bring back? Can’t believe that. Will have to re-read Help tomorrow. Thanks.


Oh. I didn’t see in Help where we had to delete to add. I thought I read pause to add. Surely that can’t be true. Have to rewrite older gigs that we want to bring back? Can’t believe that. Will have to re-read Help tomorrow. Thanks.

You joined Fiverr last month (April 2018). Today is May 7. You’re a new seller, ranked as a “New Seller” with only one gig review. You haven’t been on Fiverr long enough to have “older gigs”.


You joined Fiverr last month (April 2018). Today is May 7. You’re a new seller, ranked as a “New Seller” with only one gig review. You haven’t been on Fiverr long enough to have “older gigs”.

By older I mean any that we have to pause/remove in order to add another.


By older I mean any that we have to pause/remove in order to add another.

Since you are a new seller, I encourage you to focus on building up only a few gigs, for the services you are most skilled at. Don’t spread yourself as thin as possible. Focus on what you do well. Once you build a seller reputation, earn enough reviews, and gain a promotion or two, then you’ll be in a position to effectively expand your services.

Since you are going to have to promote all of your gigs too, it might be less stress for you to not have so many diverse gigs to promote. Having more gigs does NOT guarantee more sales.


Since you are a new seller, I encourage you to focus on building up only a few gigs, for the services you are most skilled at. Don’t spread yourself as thin as possible. Focus on what you do well. Once you build a seller reputation, earn enough reviews, and gain a promotion or two, then you’ll be in a position to effectively expand your services.

Since you are going to have to promote all of your gigs too, it might be less stress for you to not have so many diverse gigs to promote. Having more gigs does NOT guarantee more sales.

Ok. Thanks for the suggestions. I will keep them in mind as I tweak my gigs.


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