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Edit Gigs that are Pending Review


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I noticed something strange with Fiverr and it is quite unproductive really. Recently I was contacted to update my Primary Gig image. That’s totally fine!

I created a new image and uploaded it. But turns out the graphic is worse than the previous one… it looks good when viewed in full resolution but the thumbnail is lame.

But I cannot update the image because the Gig is now pending review. I doubt the new image will be approved or even if it is approved I will change it.

The problem is since it’s pending review I cannot update my gig. It is putting me behind schedule and I am possibly losing clients. I am promoting my gig in many other places you know.

I hope Fiverr will fix this… no one likes wasting time and losing customers in business!

Thanks 🙂


Fiverr has quite a lot of Sellers. If this situation is happening more often… then doesn’t that mean they are losing potential clients… thus Fiverr is losing money as well o.O.

I think it will be wise to give 5 minute window… so the Gigs that needs approval, changes the status only after 5 minutes have passed. This way you can avoid a situation where someone is editing the gig and a moderator is reviewing at the same time.

And obviously if us the seller notice something needs to be changed, we change it within that 5 minute.

Edit: So my gig was denied. And guess what… I cannot even edit the Gig now, lol. So, I now have to contact Support to look into the matter manually. And start the whole cycle of review, approval, etc… All this could be avoided if there was a little 5 minute window!


Thanks for the feedback madmoo! I am a little bit frustrated but not for myself honestly. I am just surprised that this thing was not brought to Fiverr’s attention sooner… and I am sure I am not the only one who has to deal with this. I am just one guy… and already I am getting messages from people asking about my gig. People practically has their wallet ready to give me money but I cannot serve them 😦

  • 6 years later...
Guest taforda

I got the same problem, i made some adjustments yesterday to my gig, and today i got the modify gig thing.

i changed small things as they asked to change a couple of things that i didn’t even change in the first place when i made the adjustments.

so if i get denied will i lose this gig forever? or can i contact support to get it back?


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