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How To Utilize Packages?


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So I have been trying to find a way to use gig packages for awhile, and every time I get an idea for them, I see so many issues with them.

For instance, let’s say I offer a package that includes four 300-word articles for, say, 40 bucks. But what if a client orders and wants all 4 articles to have 600 words? If they try to add words, it will not affect all four articles unless they know the total word count of all four articles and add an extra 1200 words.

I could instead utilize them as a “Buy a 300 word article/500 word/1000 word” but that is already provided if they know the word count of the article they need me to write. It confuses me because I don’t want to make a package set if it is pointless to do so. Especially as I would have to edit it into 12 gigs.

What do you all think?

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