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Not getting impressions


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The thumbnail of your gigs is not very attractive.
I know it’s a video but you can choose in the gig edit, wich moment of the video you want to use as a thumbnail.

and if you have paused your gigs, it takes up to 24h after a gig have been unpaused to find it again in the search results. it can be a reason

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The thumbnail of your gigs is not very attractive.

I know it’s a video but you can choose in the gig edit, wich moment of the video you want to use as a thumbnail.

and if you have paused your gigs, it takes up to 24h after a gig have been unpaused to find it again in the search results. it can be a reason

For thumbnail, I can doubt on one of my 3 gigs. But are really the 2 other gig’s thumbnail not good ? Till now I felt pride on them 😦

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For example:


can be replaced by something like this


There’s too much informations on your current thumbnail. it looks like to a web page with plenty of adds 🙂

but it’s only my point of view


Is this really what you see as my thumbnails ? I’m now confused about public thumbnail view of my gig!

I have a different thumbnail for one of my gig as shown by you.(I have attached my thumbnail view )

. Can you please check in another browser and confirm ? fiverr.com/vishalg8454
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The first one is…

The second one is the one I’m talking about

The third one can be ok. I think is too much for this one too but it can be ok

Thank you so much. Very soon will update gig 1 and thumbnails to make them more informative. And I am just praying to hit the impressions soon as the very first step, the impression is somehow not able to reach my gigs 😦

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