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Buyer asking for money back after work delivered


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So the job was to write a business proposal. I requested they provide all the information they had about their business and service and did the work. The buyer refused the work after delivery and asked for a full refund on the grounds that the business proposal did not have certain elements like pricing, management team, etc. Thing is they never provided me that info and I had no way to get it. What I provided still fully qualifies as a business proposal though.

The buyer said they didn’t want to bother with revisions and want the money back. Out of principle I don’t want to refund that. We are now in dispute resolution, which I am fine with since my job was done appropriately. I am more concerned with the feedback situation post dispute. Because I am sure they’ll go out of their way to screw with my profile if they lose.

So can the buyer still leave a negative after the order goes through dispute resolution?

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Guest philos

finalstep, you’ll have to refund their money, otherwise they will leave neg. feedback. its just 4 bucks. I’ve had to this twice or three times in the past myself.

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If the buyer leaves a negative feedback, you’ll still need their permission to have it removed. I would just refund their money and move on. Then take a look at your gig description to see where the buyer may have gotten confused so that it doesn’t happen with other buyers in the future.

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