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More In Depth Fiverr Gig Visitor Statistics Please


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Hi all,

While it is nice to see visitor numbers to the gigs, I think it would be very helpful if we could see where those visitors actually came from.

That way we can fine tune our marketing efforts better and drive more traffic to Fiverr by leveraging working marketing strategies.

I am sure you have the data, is it possible to add an extra screen or report to do this please.

Thank you.


You could always run your own marketing campaigns to promote your Fiverr gig and use tracking this way. My best bet for figuring out who finds my gig and buys it when it comes specifically to Fiverr, I simply ask in the gig requirements if they get a second to tell me how they found me whether via a keyword or through a given category. This helps to at least start to refine the gig for the better. It also helps to determine which keywords bring in sales and which don’t. My thought is if the impressions are fixed and you get a high amount of traffic but no orders, it’s time to refine your gig for more clarity and/or change the keywords.

A further more in-depth analytics system directly through Fiverr I am all for though, 🙂


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